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p1 = input('Emter rock/paper/siccor OR press q to quit : ')
p2 = input('Emter rock/paper/siccor OR press q to quit : ')
while p1 != 'q' and p2 != 'q':
if p1 == 'rock' and p2 == 'siccor':
print('Player 1 has won ')
elif p1 == 'paper' and p2 == 'rock':
print('player has won : ')
elif p1 == 'siccor' and p2 == 'paper':
print('player 1 has won')
import random
import time
def guess_game():
'''Life Is NOthing But A Game'''
user_guess = input('Bro enter a random number / OR PRess q to quti : ')
computer = random.randint(0,9)
while user_guess != 'q':
user_guess = int(user_guess)
import random
m = [5,2,6,9,5,2,65,6,5,5,5,5,5]
k = [x for x in range(0,random.randint(0,90))] # using random.randint() to generate a random list
common_list = [x for x in m for y in k if x == y] # using list comprehension to seek common elements from the list
new_set = set(k) # using the set constructor to convert the list into the set so there will be no duplicatopn of the element
final_list = list(new_set) # converting back into list
def check_number():
give = int(input('Enter the number you want to check is prime or not : ')) # asking input andconverting it into integer since by default it will be string
give1 = int(give/2) # we know a number greater than the half of that number won't be able to divide it
# COnveriting into integer because the result will be float
for i in range(1,give1):
if give % i == 0:
print('THe number {} is prime'.format(give))
break # since there is now no pint in continuing the if loop
def listing():
list1 = [1,2,5,4,8,9,6,3,6,4,9,5]
list2 = []
counter = 0
for x in list1:
if counter == 0 or counter == (len(list1) - 1):
pass # if condition is not matched then pass
import random
def password_generator():
alpha = '''A- B1CDE2*FGH6IJ3&KL_M4NOP5QRS7TU^8VW9XY0Zabc@defg#hijk~lm%no!pqrs¬tuv`w|xy.$,z''' # these are the words and symbols from which the password is generaterd
ans = input('How Strong do you want your password to be : (strong/medium/low) ')
password = ''
while ans.lower() != 'q':
if ans == 'strong':
for i in range(0,12):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import urlopen
m = urlopen('')
soup = BeautifulSoup(m,'html.parser')
import requests,json
from pprint import pprint
def cymon_query(query,type):
api_key = "<You API Key here>"
if type == "ip":
url = "{}/events".format(query)
elif type == "domain":
url = "{}".format(query)
headers = {"authorization": "Token {}".format(api_key)}
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
import sys
from elasticsearch import helpers
import json
from slackclient import SlackClient
def search_brute_force():
s = SlackClient("<Slack API Key here>")
package main;
import (
func main() {
fmt.Print("Enter Password: ");