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Noktec Noktec

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Noktec / gnuplot.gnu
Created February 8, 2014 12:28
Plot Pings with Gnuplot
#Use the following command to retrieve the times of a Pings
# ping -c 100 | awk -F [=\ ] {'print $(NF-1)'} | grep -E "[0-9]" > pingTimes.dat
#Then use the following script to plot it with gnuplot
set terminal pdfcairo font "Gill Sans,9" linewidth 2 rounded fontscale 1.0
set output "ping.pdf"
set ylabel "Time in milliseconds"
set xlabel "Number of Pings"
Noktec / Anchors
Last active January 2, 2016 19:39
Anchor in Markdown
Anchors in MD files
To create an anchor in a markdown file use [here](#important-remarks) as the link to the section you want
to point to. Then simply create a section with the same title without the '#' and the '-' in between the
words such as this one :
Important Remarks