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Nolrai / Main.hs
Created October 22, 2018 17:49
Criterion Weirdness
Maxwell-0.0.0: benchmarks
Running 1 benchmarks...
Benchmark Maxwell-benchmarks: RUNNING...
benchmarking fib/30
time 51.14 ms (49.98 ms .. 52.85 ms)
0.994 R2 (0.977 R2 .. 1.000 R2)
mean 51.82 ms (51.06 ms .. 53.95 ms)
std dev 2.150 ms (1.031 ms .. 3.451 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 14% (moderately inflated)
Nolrai / Main.hs
Created October 22, 2018 17:49
Criterion Weirdness
Maxwell-0.0.0: benchmarks
Running 1 benchmarks...
Benchmark Maxwell-benchmarks: RUNNING...
benchmarking fib/30
time 51.14 ms (49.98 ms .. 52.85 ms)
0.994 R2 (0.977 R2 .. 1.000 R2)
mean 51.82 ms (51.06 ms .. 53.95 ms)
std dev 2.150 ms (1.031 ms .. 3.451 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 14% (moderately inflated)
Nolrai / Quern.hs
Last active December 16, 2018 19:22
*Prelude> :r
[2 of 2] Compiling Quern ( C:\Users\chris\Documents\Haskell\Maxwell\Maxwell\test-suite\Quern.hs, interpreted )
C:\Users\chris\Documents\Haskell\Maxwell\Maxwell\test-suite\Quern.hs:60:15: error:
* Illegal polymorphic type: Lens' RingInt Int
GHC doesn't yet support impredicative polymorphism
* In the type signature:
runStage :: Lens' Stages Int
-> (Lens' RingInt Int, Lens' RingInt Int) -> State RingInt ()
In an equation for `rotate':
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank]. [Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical]
Use While Active.The user makes an [Attack Action] against the target. If the target takes at least 1 point of
damage, the user may force the target to move 1square in any direction, ignoring [Engagements].
[Physical Attack]: +1 [Rank].[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: MagicalDamage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).
-- Why is it reading 'Piece v' as 'Piece v0' Is v somehow not in scope?
135:6: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘Piece v0’ with ‘Piece v’
Expected type: (Name TypeExpr -> m (Name TypeExpr))
-> Either [Piece v] (Name TypeExpr)
Actual type: (Name TypeExpr -> m (Name TypeExpr))
-> Either [Piece v0] (Name TypeExpr)
NB: ‘Piece’ is a non-injective type family
The type variable ‘v0’ is ambiguous