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NormalUniverse / SC_Sandbox_Switch-Class
Created June 25, 2016 21:13
Arduino sketch that creates a "Swith" class that handles debouncing
//Defeinition of "Switch" class
//Should I change the name to avoid conflict with "switch" logical structure?
//The switch
class Switch
#include <Time.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
//Variables associated with Clock FSM
int t_hour = 20;
int t_minute = 29;
int t_second = 50;
NormalUniverse / gist:f8dbc04164ce240c973e739a1fb37eeb
Created March 14, 2018 09:28
Simple Button Debounce State Machine
//Title: Button Debouncing using a State Machine, Complex Version
//Author: Chris Guichet
//Date: Jan 15, 2018
// -A State Machine is a useful tool to organize complex code
// -Think of it like the next step beyone "If Else" statements
// -This example code uses a State Machine to handle tac switch debouncing
// -It also has a "Hold" function to enable interaction with long button presses
//Title: Button Debouncing using a State Machine, Complex Version
//Author: Chris Guichet
//Date: Jan 15, 2018
// -A State Machine is a useful tool to organize complex code
// -Think of it like the next step beyone "If Else" statements
// -This example code uses a State Machine to handle tac switch debouncing
// -It also has a "Hold" function to enable interaction with long button presses
//Title: Button Debouncing using a State Machine
//Author: Chris Guichet
//Date: Jan 15, 2018
// -A State Machine is a useful tool to organize complex code
// -Think of it like the next step beyone "If Else" statements
// -This example code uses a State Machine to handle tac switch debouncing
// -It also has a "Hold" function to enable interaction with long button presses
// -The tac switch is used to control a buzzer and an LED, it can multitask