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AutoIt Script ====================================================
#WinActivate("[CLASS:MozillaWindowClass]", "")
# user input
$ahk_file="C:\Users\John See\Desktop\t2.ahk"
# end of user input
#Include <WinAPI.au3>
$activeApp = _WinAPI_GetClassName(WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]"))
$activeWindow = WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]")
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Example 1 - based on active app:
; If $activeApp = "WordPadClass" Then
; WinMove("", "", 1326, 60, 518, 962)
; sleep(1990)
-- user options
set KillWindows_User to {"app1", "app2"}
-- end of user options
-- s23.6 - supported: TextMate
-- s23.5 - supported: FreeFileSync
-- s23.4 - fixed: closing windows of Finder on Mac Catalina, hang caused by some apps | improved: killing apps listed in KillWindows_User
-- s23.3 - supported: Audacity
-- s23.2 - supported: wine-preloader, wine
{ "title": "input source",
"rules": [
{ "description": "input source",
"manipulators": [
{"from": { "key_code": "a" },
"parameters": {"basic.to_if_alone_timeout_milliseconds": 300},
"to_if_alone": [{"key_code": "8"},
{"key_code": "9"},
{"key_code": "0"}],
"type": "basic",
#include <Date.au3>
Send("!{TAB}");; if you run script using hotkey or autotext, delete line 2.
$curtime = _NowTime()
$curdate =_NowDate ( )
sleep (500)
-- Requirement: application 'BetterTouchTool'
-- user input
set UUID_user to "DA47E447-6FF8-4D71-BAC6-643E5AEB9111"
set name_of_app to "All Apps" -- If you select 'All Apps' in BetterTouchTool, set name_of_app to "All Apps."
-- end of user input
-- user options
set done_dialog to "on" -- "on" or "off"
-- end of user options -----------------------------------------------
{ "title": "Rules for Karabiner-Elements | Tested Version: 12.10.0",
"rules": [
{ "description": "Hold a Key - Shortcut for Photoshop",
"manipulators": [
{"from": { "key_code": "a" },
"parameters": {"basic.to_if_alone_timeout_milliseconds": 300,
"basic.to_if_held_down_threshold_milliseconds": 500},
"to_if_alone": [
{"key_code": "a"}],
-- user input
set name_of_application to "Adobe Photoshop 2021"
set menu_1 to "Layer"
set menu_2 to "Layer Style"
set menu_3 to "Inner Shadow..."
-- end of user input--------------------------------
if menu_3 is "" then
if menu_1 is not "" and menu_2 is not "" then
-- Download cliclick >
-- Download MouseTools >
-- Put cliclick and MouseTools in Applications folder
set theFile to (path to applications folder as text) & "MouseTools"
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists file theFile) then
set no_app to 1
set no_app to 0
-- user options
set bookmark to "off" -- "on" or "off", to run script set bookmark to "off"
set text_continue_reading to "off" -- "on" or "off"
set instruction to "on" -- "on" or "off"
-- end of user options
set theFile to (path to applications folder as text) & "MouseTools"
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists file theFile) then