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Implementation of BFS, DFS(Recursive & Iterative), Dijkstra, Greedy, & Astart Algorithms. These algorithms are used to search the tree and finding the shortest paths from starting node to goal node in the tree.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <numeric>
#include <locale>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <queue>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <regex>
#include <bitset>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
* Path Finding Algorithms.
* @license The MIT License (MIT)
* @author Omar El Gabry <>
* A node.
struct Node {
* the value
* @var int
int value;
* the distance from the root node(or from root node + heuristics)
* the distance could be useful to search for the shortest path between nodes in the tree(i.e. from starting node till goal node)
* @var int
int distance;
* heuristic distances between the node and the goal node
* @var int
int heuristic;
* a reference to parent node
* the parent of each node can be useful to access the nodes from the goal up to the starting node.
* @var Node*
struct Node *parent;
* list of node's children
* @var list<Node *>
list<Node *> children;
* The Tree Class.
class Tree {
* number of nodes
* @var int
int N;
* pointer to an array containing tree nodes
* @var list<Node *>
list<Node *> nodes;
* mark visited nodes
* it needs to be cleared every time you run an algorithm
* @var bool
bool *visited;
* distances between every two connected nodes
* @var int
int **dist_between;
Tree(int N);
Node * createNode(int value);
void add_edge(Node *parent, Node *child, int distance);
void reset();
Tree & print_tree(Node *root);
Tree & print_path(Node *goal);
int get_distance(Node *parent, Node *child);
int get_heuristics(Node *current, Node *goal);
Node * get_min_node();
Node * BFS(Node *root, Node *goal);
Node * DFS(Node *root, Node *goal);
Node * DFS_R(Node *current, Node *goal, Node *best);
Node * DFS_Iterative(Node *root, Node *goal);
Node * Dijkstra(Node *root, Node *goal);
Node * Greedy(Node *root, Node *goal);
Node * Astar(Node *root, Node *goal);
* Constructor
* @param int N
Tree::Tree(int N) {
this->N = N;
// mark all the nodes as not visited
this->visited = new bool[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
this->visited[i] = false;
// assign initial value for distance between every two connected nodes
this->dist_between = new int *[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
this->dist_between[i] = new int[N];
* Creates a new node.
* @param int value
* @return Node*
Node * Tree::createNode(int value) {
Node *node = new Node;
node->value = value;
node->distance = 0;
node->parent = NULL;
return node;
* Add an edge to tree.
* @param Node* parent
* @param Node* child
* @param int distance
void Tree::add_edge(Node *parent, Node *child, int distance){
// Add child to parent's list.
// Assign distance
if (distance != NULL){
this->dist_between[parent->value][child->value] =
this->dist_between[child->value][parent->value] = distance;
* Reset the tree to it's origianl state.
void Tree::reset(){
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
this->visited[i] = false;
* Print every node and it's children.
* @param Node* root
Tree & Tree::print_tree(Node *root){
for (Node *&current : this->nodes){
printf("Node (%c, h=%d) connected to: ", ('A' + current->value), current->heuristic);
for (Node *&child : current->children){
printf("(%c, d=%d)", ('A' + child->value),
// printf("Heuristic distance from %c to %c = %d \n",
// ('A' + current->value), ('A' + goal->value), distance);
// printf("Distance from %c to %c = %d \n",
// ('A' + parent->value), ('A' + child->value), random);
return *this;
* Print the path from the goal node up to the root node
* @param Node* current
Tree & Tree::print_path(Node *goal){
printf("The path from goal node to root node: ");
Node *current = goal;
// compute cost for every algorithm
int cost = 0;
while (current != NULL){
printf("%c ", ('A' + current->value));
if (current->parent != NULL)
cost += this->get_distance(current, current->parent);
current = current->parent;
printf("\t and cost: %d ", cost);
return *this;
* Get distance between two nodes.
* @param Node* current
* @param Node* child
* @return int
int Tree::get_distance(Node *parent, Node *child){
// check if distance already assigned
int distance = 0;
if (parent->value == child->value) return distance;
distance = this->dist_between[parent->value][child->value];
if (distance != NULL) return distance;
// if not, generate a random distance between parent and child node
int random = (int)rand() % 10 + 1;
this->dist_between[parent->value][child->value] =
this->dist_between[child->value][parent->value] = random;
return random;
* Get the heuristic distance between a node and the goal.
* @param Node* current
* @param Node* goal
* @return int
int Tree::get_heuristics(Node *current, Node *goal){
// check if heuristic distance already assigned
int distance = 0;
if (current->value == goal->value) return distance;
distance = current->heuristic;
if (distance == NULL){
distance = abs(goal->value - current->value);
return distance;
* Get the node with minimum distance.
* @return Node*
Node * Tree::get_min_node(){
Node * next = NULL;
int mn = INT_MAX;
for (Node *&node : this->nodes){
if (!this->visited[node->value] && node->distance < mn){
mn = node->distance, next = node;
return next;
* Find goal node from root node using BFS.
* @param Node* root
* @param Node* goal
* @return Node*
Node * Tree::BFS(Node *root, Node *goal){
if (root->value == goal->value)
return root;
queue<Node *> q;
this->visited[root->value] = true;
while (!q.empty()){
Node * current = q.front();
for (Node *&child : current->children){
if (!this->visited[child->value]){ // check if not visited
// mark each node as visited so it won't be added to the queue again, thus, it will be explored only once.
this->visited[child->value] = true;
child->distance = current->distance + 1; // every level we increment by 1, so all nodes at level 2 has distance of 2.
child->parent = current;
if (child->value == goal->value)
return child; // if goal node is found, then it's guranteed that this node has the shortest path(according to the level of depth)
q.push(child); // since the bfs searches the tree level by level.
return NULL;
* Find goal node from root node using DFS(Recursive).
* @param Node* root
* @param Node* goal
* @return Node*
Node * Tree::DFS(Node *current, Node *goal){
this->visited[current->value] = true;
if (current->value == goal->value)
return current;
for (Node *&child : current->children){
if (!this->visited[child->value]){
child->distance = current->distance + 1;
child->parent = current;
Node * found = this->DFS(child, goal);
if (found != NULL) return found;
return NULL;
* Find goal node from root node using DFS(Recursive)
* The difference between this method & DFS() is that:
* 1. If a node X is explored, it can be explored again as long as there is no node X in the path up to the starting node.
* 2. If the node X is the goal, the algorithm will try to search for another shorter path to the goal node by examining the level of depth.
* @param Node* root
* @param Node* goal
* @return Node*
Node * Tree::DFS_R(Node *current, Node *goal, Node *best = NULL){
this->visited[current->value] = true;
if (current->value == goal->value){
if (best == NULL || best->distance > current->distance)
best = current;
return best;
for (Node *&child : current->children){
if (!this->visited[child->value]){
child->distance = current->distance + 1;
child->parent = current;
this->visited[child->value] = true;
best = this->DFS_R(child, goal, best);
this->visited[child->value] = false;
return best;
* Find goal node from root node using DFS(Iterative)
* @param Node* root
* @param Node* goal
* @return Node*
Node * Tree::DFS_Iterative(Node *root, Node *goal){
if (root->value == goal->value)
return root;
stack<Node *> s;
while (!s.empty()){
Node * current =; // get the last inserted node
this->visited[current->value] = true;
for (Node *&child : current->children){
if (!this->visited[child->value]){
// we can also keep track of the distance and the parent node
// to get the shortest path to the goal, and access the nodes from the goal up to the starting node.
child->distance = current->distance + 1;
child->parent = current;
if (child->value == goal->value) // instead of returning true, we can keep track of the goal node with the shortest distance from the root.
return child;
return NULL;
* Find goal node from root node using Dijkstra(Uniform)
* @param Node* root
* @param Node* goal
* @return Node*
Node * Tree::Dijkstra(Node *root, Node *goal){
for (Node *&node : this->nodes){
node->distance = INT_MAX;
root->distance = 0;
int count = this->N;
while (count--){
// everytime we choose the node with the min distance from the starting node.
// root node will be selected first.
// NOTE: A priority queue can be used instead which allows: add_with_priority(), decrease_priority() and extract_min()
// @see
Node * current = this->get_min_node();
this->visited[current->value] = true;
if (current->value == goal->value){
return current;
for (Node *&child : current->children){
if (!this->visited[child->value]){
int alt = current->distance + this->get_distance(current, child);
// A shorter path to child has been found
if (alt < child->distance){
child->distance = alt;
child->parent = current;
return NULL;
* Find goal node from root node using Greedy
* @param Node* root
* @param Node* goal
* @return Node*
Node * Tree::Greedy(Node *root, Node *goal){
for (Node *&node : this->nodes){
node->distance = INT_MAX;
root->distance = this->get_heuristics(root, goal);
int count = this->N;
while (count--){
// everytime we choose the node with the min distance from the goal node.
// root node will be selected first.
Node * current = this->get_min_node();
this->visited[current->value] = true;
if (current->value == goal->value)
return current;
for (Node *&child : current->children){
if (!this->visited[child->value]){
child->parent = current;
child->distance = this->get_heuristics(child, goal);
return NULL;
* Find goal node from root node using A*
* @param Node* root
* @param Node* goal
* @return Node*
Node * Tree::Astar(Node *root, Node *goal){
for (Node *&node : this->nodes){
// distance of every node here represents the distance from the root node + heuristics.
node->distance = INT_MAX;
root->distance = 0 + get_heuristics(root, goal);
Node * current = NULL;
while (true){
// everytime we choose the node with the min distance from the starting node + heuristics
Node * current = this->get_min_node();
// if all nodes have been explored, and goal node wasn't found.
if (current == NULL) break;
this->visited[current->value] = true;
if (current->value == goal->value)
return current;
for (Node *&child : current->children){
int d = this->get_distance(current, child);
int h = get_heuristics(child, goal);
int alt = (current->distance - get_heuristics(current, goal)) + d + h;
// int alt = this->get_distance(root, current) + d + h;
// A shorter path to child has been found
if (alt < child->distance){
child->distance = alt;
child->parent = current;
// this node is now available to be re-explored again since a new shorter path to this node has been found.
// if however, the heuristic function is monotonic (or consistent), which is a frequent case, then nodes can be explored only once.
this->visited[child->value] = false;
return NULL;
int main() {
// initialize random seed
srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));
// initialize a new tree instance
const int num_nodes = 7;
Tree tree(num_nodes);
// create nodes
Node * nodes[num_nodes];
for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++){
nodes[i] = tree.createNode(i);
// create edges
vector< vector <int > > node_edges = {
{ 1, 2 }, { 0, 3, 4 }, { 0, 3, 5 }, { 1, 2, 4 }, { 1, 3, 6 }, { 2, 6 }, { 4, 5 }
// distances between nodes
vector< vector <int > > nodes_distances = {
{ 4, 1 }, { NULL, 3, 8 }, { NULL, 2, 6 }, { NULL, NULL, 4 }, { NULL, NULL, 2 }, { NULL, 8 }, { NULL, NULL }
// heuristic distance to the goal
vector< int > nodes_heuristics = { 8, 8, 6, 5, 1, 4, 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++){
nodes[i]->heuristic = nodes_heuristics[i];
for (int j = 0; j < (int)node_edges[i].size(); j++){
tree.add_edge(nodes[i], nodes[node_edges[i][j]], nodes_distances[i][j]);
// define root and goal nodes
Node * A = nodes[0], * G = nodes[6];
// print the tree
// run each algorithm & print the path from the goal up to the root node
// dont' forget to reset the tree after running each algorithm
tree.print_path(tree.BFS(A, G)).reset();
tree.print_path(tree.DFS(A, G)).reset();
tree.print_path(tree.DFS_R(A, G)).reset();
tree.print_path(tree.DFS_Iterative(A, G)).reset();
tree.print_path(tree.Dijkstra(A, G)).reset();
tree.print_path(tree.Greedy(A, G)).reset();
tree.print_path(tree.Astar(A, G)).reset();
return 0;
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