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Optogenetics and Neural Engineering Core OptogeneticsandNeuralEngineeringCore

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LED to drive optic stimulation of in vitro tissue, opsins excited by approperate wavelengths, controlled by TTLs.
Optogenetics and Neural Engineering Core ONE Core
University of Colorado
4 / 17 / 2018
See for more information, including a detailed write up and Arduino/BNC housing 3D Model
In this code, four TTL inputs are received by the Arduino, and an Adafruit Neuopixel LED chain (Adafruit 1430) is lit up (note that we use the FAST LED library, and therefore
currently cannot use the white LEDs.
ImageJ2 2.14.0/1.54f; Java 1.8.0_322 [amd64]
-- Application: Fiji --
Title = Fiji
Version = 2.14.0
groupId = sc.fiji
artifactId = fiji
Automatic-Module-Name = sc.fiji
Build-Jdk-Spec = 1.8
Class-Path = imagej-2.14.0.jar imagej-common-2.0.4.jar udunits-4.3.18.jar imagej-launcher-6.0.2.jar imagej-notebook-0.7.1.jar commons-text-1.10.0.jar xchart-3.5.4.jar VectorGraphics2D-0.13.jar imagej-ops-2.0.0.jar imagej-mesh-0.8.1.jar scripting-javascript-1.0.0.jar ojalgo-45.1.1.jar imagej-updater-1.0.0.jar scifio-0.45.0.jar scifio-jai-imageio-1.1.1.jar imagej-deprecated-0.2.0.jar imagej-mesh-io-0.1.2.jar jply-0.2.1.jar imagej-plugins-batch-0.1.1.jar batch-processor-0.4.2.jar imagej-plugins-commands-0.8.1.jar object-inspector-0.1.jar base64-2.3.8.jar imagej-plugins-tools-0.3.1.jar imagej-plugins-uploader-ssh-0.3.2.jar imagej-plugins-uploader-webdav-0.3.3.jar jackrabbit-webdav-2.21.16.jar httpclient-4.5.14.jar commons-logging-1.2.jar httpcore-4.4.16.jar imagej-scripting-0.8.4.jar scripting-beanshell-0.4.1.jar bsh-2.1.0.jar