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"device": "iPad11,1",
"keybags": [
"buildnum": "22A5282m",
"illb": "500ED7642DCBAC3FAD5EF526DAD40B21BFD09EDD395FDB74F17611E0A391E40D9682B689647007BF7AB38A0F6231D01F",
"ibot": "DA97F55D9024CC7D1880333951F53C83D684D7796A2599EA126AA0E6CB7853E271BA265D0D382482841E4CD06815D747",
"ibec": "BAC9D1DAF1FFBB67DF73D24DEE38DBF9AC2ADC91C8E8827AAF99F3D8FC02BD136A88EE5998A4DEC24F5EFCDEDE076A9C",
"ibss": "504FB1BE10917D597D7053EDF7ADB0A0CEA41330DD110C675736550EAAA1F7A8946C6BFE740ACFDAB8AD69CCDC069CB6"
Orangera1n / Windows build
Last active April 30, 2024 05:02
Orangera1n's Windows Build Repo

Orangera1n's Windows Build Repo

Section 1: Introduction

This is a massive (10TB+) archive of almost every publicly leaked or released windows build ever made, stored on 3 5TB onedrive accounts. ALL of these builds come from publicly available sources, not private leaks.

Section 2: How to download the builds?

It's simple, there are 3 OneDrive folders with them: Onedrive folder 1 with Windows XP build 5.1.2202 to Windows 10 v1607/Server 2016 build 10.0.14300.1000:

Onedrive folder 2, with Windows 10 v1607/Server 2016 build 10.0.14316.1000 to Windows 10 v2004 build 19041.1:

Orangera1n /
Last active June 15, 2024 07:11
How to activate a device on iOS 15 that was futurerestored on 16 sep


This is a guide on how to activate ur idevice on ios 15 (maybe ios 14 idk) when its futurerestored on 16 sep.

DISCLAIMER: I am very aware people might use this to bypass icloud, but I am NOT encouraging you to bypass icloud.

ALSO: THIS IS RECOMMENDED FOR ADVANCED USERS ONLY, i am not responsable for ur device being broken (tho idk how it becomes broken via this)

also, i've only tested this on macOS, might work on linux tho if u replace darwin with linux and shit.

Orangera1n /
Last active September 1, 2023 18:47
The reasons why I am leaving the Internal Archive Discord community, and everything that came to this.


I'm orangera1n. You may know me from the Windows and iOS scene. I'm one of the youngesst people in both comms. Today id like to share some harsh experinces ive had in the Internal Archive scene.

Also, I should mention that you should read everything. There is no tl;dr, and the people who actually read the entire message with a serious mind would earn lots of respect and trust from me. I know this message will surface to Internal Archive's Discord, in one way or another, and I know people will skim over this, and I know that many people will not agree. I also know, in the terms of the Internal Archive Discord, that I will get a lot of "ur 14" and "ok" jokes and comments. I also strongly know that the staff of the server may mock and meme this writing I made. I understand that. However, I'd like people to read this with an open mind, with my open feelings being written here.

Good Parts of some of the server

To start off, there are good parts of the communities i'll describe, not everything is bad i