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Oscar-Geare /
Last active September 13, 2021 01:18
Interview for /r/CyberSecurity

24.7 SOC Analyst is an unforgiving job. Long hours and an intense workload, however it's the most common 'entry-level' position available in most metropolitan areas. Depending on the organisation, you may have greater or less freedom of work, able to follow through and conduct incident response yourself. In the end, the job comes back to the same thing: Investigating alerts, triaging and conducting first level analysis to escalate to responder teams.

About your first job:

What was your first job in cybersecurity? When was that, and what were your responsibilities?

My first job was Associate Security Analyst, on a 24/7 roster within a MSSP SOC. I would handle incoming alerts, triage and pass escalations on to on-site resolver teams.

Can you discuss some specific tasks you did, or goals you contributed towards?

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am oscar-geare on github.
  • I am oscargeare ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASC5IwlWbOtsRvgEb1p7FHlLslnJybat2-0hTEEuudZg7Ao

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Oscar-Geare / arma3-lz-maker.sqf
Created February 27, 2023 15:32
Put the top codeblock in the "On Activation" for a "Radio" repeatable radio trigger. It should create an LZ and a task for it. Haven't worked out how to cancel the current task yet, so oh well, don't create a billion tasks. To fix later (pronounced /ˈnɛvə/))
_currTask = player call bis_fnc_tasksCurrent;
if (not isNil (_currTask select 0)) then { [(_currTask select 0),"CANCELED"] call bis_fnc_taskSetState; };
searchRadiusMin = 5000;
searchRadiusMax = 8000;
landingZoneSize = 10;
landingZoneSlope = 0.25;
smokeDistance = 2000;
playerPos = getPos player;
randomPos = [playerPos, searchRadius, searchRadiusMax, landingZoneSize, 0, landingZoneSlope] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
markerName = format ["LandingZone_%1", str(random 1000)];