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Patashu / Grim Patron Knife Juggler.txt
Created August 7, 2015 11:29
Grim Patron vs Knife Juggler bug? Hearthstone - Knife Juggler, Grim Patron Insanity
timestamp: ~1:50
enemy grim patron 1 summons enemy grim patron 2
enemy KJ 1 knives ally grim patron 1
ally grim patron 1 summons ally grim patron 2
ally KJ 1 knives enemy grim patron 2
enemy grim patron 2 summons enemy grim patron 3
enemy KJ 2 knives whatever
enemy grim patron 2 flashes (back to this level of triggers)
Patashu / feign death vs scavenging hyena.log
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
Scavenging Hyena vs Feign Death
D 22:26:06.6223373 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - ACTION_START Entity=[name=Feign Death id=75 zone=HAND zonePos=6 cardId=GVG_026 player=2] SubType=PLAY Index=0 Target=0
D 22:26:06.6233375 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=Patashu tag=RESOURCES_USED value=10
D 22:26:06.6243376 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=Patashu tag=NUM_CARDS_PLAYED_THIS_TURN value=3
D 22:26:06.6253377 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[name=Deadly Shot id=76 zone=HAND zonePos=7 cardId=EX1_617 player=2] tag=ZONE_POSITION value=6
D 22:26:06.6263379 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[name=Feign Death id=75 zone=HAND zonePos=6 cardId=GVG_026 player=2] tag=ZONE value=PLAY
D 22:26:06.6273380 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[name=Feign Death id=75 zone=HAND zonePos=6 cardId=GVG_026 player=2] tag=ZONE_POSITION value=0
D 22:26:06.6283381 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[name=Feign Death id=75 zone=HAND zonePos=6 cardId=GVG_026 player=2]
Patashu / enchantment list script draft.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
enchantment list script (draft)
When multiple Enchantments are applied to a minion, the order they entered play is the order they are processed in to determine final attributes such as Health, Attack and Mana Cost. We call this ordering the 'Enchantment List'.
By default, new Enchantments enter at the end and temporary Enchantments disappear from their previous position, the list being recalculated from that point onwards.
(Demonstration: Enrage vs Humility, un-enrage, re-enrage, re-humility)
(Demonstration: Loatheb then Millhouse, Millhouse then Loatheb)
Next, we need to know that Attack, Health and Mana Cost can go negative during calculations, but turn into 0 if they finish negative.
Patashu / abusive vs inner fire.log
Created August 9, 2015 07:51
Logs for [Hearthstone Science] Enchantments, Auras and the Enchantment List
D 21:07:53.5158488 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - ACTION_START Entity=[id=50 cardId= type=INVALID zone=HAND zonePos=7 player=2] SubType=PLAY Index=0 Target=[name=Loot Hoarder id=9 zone=PLAY zonePos=3 cardId=EX1_096 player=1]
D 21:07:53.5178491 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=Xinhuan tag=RESOURCES_USED value=1
D 21:07:53.5198494 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=Xinhuan tag=NUM_CARDS_PLAYED_THIS_TURN value=1
D 21:07:53.5208495 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=Xinhuan tag=NUM_MINIONS_PLAYED_THIS_TURN value=1
D 21:07:53.5433523 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[id=56 cardId= type=INVALID zone=HAND zonePos=8 player=2] tag=ZONE_POSITION value=7
D 21:07:53.5448525 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - SHOW_ENTITY - Updating Entity=[id=50 cardId= type=INVALID zone=HAND zonePos=7 player=2] CardID=CS2_188
D 21:07:53.5473528 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - tag=HEALTH value=1
D 21:07:53.5483530 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - tag=ATK valu
Patashu / enchantment list script.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
[Hearthstone Science] Enchantments, Auras and the Enchantment List (Script)
Hello everyone. Today we'll be talking about Enchantments and Auras.
When multiple Enchantments are applied to a minion, the order they enter play is the order they are processed in to determine final attributes such as Health, Attack and Mana Cost. We call this ordering the 'Enchantment List'.
By default, new Enchantments enter at the end and temporary Enchantments disappear from their previous position, the list being recalculated from that point onwards.
Whenever an Amani Berserker is Enraged, it creates a new Enchantment that gives it Attack. If you cast Humility on it, the Humility is later in the list, resulting in 1 Attack. If you then un-Enrage and re-Enrage the Amani Berserker, the Enrage is later in the list, resulting in 4 Attack. A new Humility once again goes at the end.
In this video by BuBChaCha, we see that if you play Loatheb followed by Millhouse Manastorm, the effects apply in order of play and your spells cost 0. If you play Millhouse Manastorm followed by Loatheb, the effects apply in
Patashu / sha1sum.txt
Created August 11, 2015 11:14
sha1sum of blizzard tavern brawls
C:\Users\tim\AppData\Local\Blizzard\Hearthstone\Cache\Scenario>sha1sum *
46dea703aff24da9ce2f156a69e32ac5eec2f809 *365_060E07030F020D090E0F050A09030A050E020809.scen
d4202aae58f80964940194a95f03767a25079552 *369_D4202AAE58F80964940194A95F03767A25079552.scen
679594ef62fc8b53cde76dde1fb14f80fbcd00eb *375_0705040F020C0B030D070D0E0F010F000B0D000B.scen
000d392007418f7cfa679b3e1b91b0de17bbd1b8 *378_000D090007010F0C0A070B0E0B01000E070B0108.scen
16c4d4dc4797eabb4573e49047833087f8269468 *383_0604040C07070A0B050304000703000708060408.scen
2b8e872e59bf090e8c9f8bfb58c844a60e4551dc *385_0B0E070E090F090E0C0F0B0B080804060E05010C.scen
ec201148b777e379762880b37bee6a1b48eed108 *390_0C00010807070309060800030B0E0A0B080E0108.scen
1db393cf97669c6bd05faaddd3929a6dfb847c3f *397_1DB393CF97669C6BD05FAADDD3929A6DFB847C3F.scen
Patashu / rogue suicide into zombie chow increases attack.log
Created August 15, 2015 01:04
Rogue suicide into Zombie Chow increases attack
D 10:55:42.8212057 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - ACTION_START Entity=[name=Valeera Sanguinar id=4 zone=PLAY zonePos=0 cardId=HERO_03 player=1] SubType=ATTACK Index=-1 Target=[name=Zombie Chow id=57 zone=PLAY zonePos=2 cardId=FP1_001 player=2]
D 10:55:42.8227059 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=GameEntity tag=PROPOSED_ATTACKER value=4
D 10:55:42.8237060 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=GameEntity tag=PROPOSED_DEFENDER value=57
D 10:55:42.8242061 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[name=Valeera Sanguinar id=4 zone=PLAY zonePos=0 cardId=HERO_03 player=1] tag=ATTACKING value=1
D 10:55:42.8252062 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=GameEntity tag=NEXT_STEP value=MAIN_ACTION
D 10:55:42.8262063 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=GameEntity tag=STEP value=MAIN_COMBAT
D 10:55:42.8272065 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=Patashu tag=NUM_OPTIONS_PLAYED_THIS_TURN value=3
D 10:55:42.8282066 GameState.DebugPrintPower()
Patashu / script.txt
Created August 16, 2015 05:38
[Hearthstone Science] Wrong Zone Battlecries and Spells #1
Hello everyone. If you're wondering how these videos work, the key is Illidan Stormrage and Violet Teacher. These trigger in the On Play Phase, which is before the Battlecry Phase of playing a minion and before the Spell Text Phase of casting a spell. Summoning a minion triggers a Knife Juggler which can be used to kill Explosive Sheep, Anub'ar Ambusher, Sylvanas Windrunner, et cetera, allowing the source or target of a Battlecry or Spell to change Zones before it occurs.
If we modify minions in our hand, they retain the modifications. However, when you play the minion, it is reset to its default state except for two things: attached Enchantments, besides those related to Mana Cost, and the 'Pending destroy' tag, which causes the infamous Vaporize + Freezing Trap bug where the minion immediately dies upon being played. Now, on with the show.
Note that transformation effects in the hand cause your opponent's client to hang, as depicted in this video. They must leave and re-enter the game in order to continue
Patashu / blackwing corruptor stolen before battlecry.log
Created August 16, 2015 05:43
[Hearthstone Science] Wrong Zone Battlecries and Spells #1 logs
D 17:20:44.0731294 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - ACTION_START Entity=[id=40 cardId= type=INVALID zone=HAND zonePos=4 player=2] SubType=PLAY Index=0 Target=[name=Anduin Wrynn id=4 zone=PLAY zonePos=0 cardId=HERO_09 player=1]
D 17:20:44.0751297 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=Adys tag=RESOURCES_USED value=5
D 17:20:44.0766299 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=Adys tag=NUM_CARDS_PLAYED_THIS_TURN value=1
D 17:20:44.0781301 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=Adys tag=NUM_MINIONS_PLAYED_THIS_TURN value=1
D 17:20:44.0791302 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[id=65 cardId= type=INVALID zone=HAND zonePos=8 player=2] tag=ZONE_POSITION value=7
D 17:20:44.0801303 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[id=47 cardId= type=INVALID zone=HAND zonePos=7 player=2] tag=ZONE_POSITION value=6
D 17:20:44.0816305 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[id=51 cardId= type=INVALID zone=HAND zonePos=6 player=2] tag=ZONE_POSITION value=5
Patashu / lock and load used.log
Created August 20, 2015 08:58
lock and load log
D 18:41:46.1353265 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - ACTION_START Entity=[id=15 cardId= type=INVALID zone=HAND zonePos=1 player=1] BlockType=PLAY Index=0 Target=0
D 18:41:46.1368267 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=WQNMLGB tag=RESOURCES_USED value=2
D 18:41:46.1378269 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=WQNMLGB tag=NUM_CARDS_PLAYED_THIS_TURN value=1
D 18:41:46.1388270 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[id=34 cardId= type=INVALID zone=HAND zonePos=6 player=1] tag=ZONE_POSITION value=5
D 18:41:46.1398271 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[id=9 cardId= type=INVALID zone=HAND zonePos=5 player=1] tag=ZONE_POSITION value=4
D 18:41:46.1408272 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[id=35 cardId= type=INVALID zone=HAND zonePos=4 player=1] tag=ZONE_POSITION value=3
D 18:41:46.1413273 GameState.DebugPrintPower() - TAG_CHANGE Entity=[id=18 cardId= type=INVALID zone=HAND zonePos=3 player=1] tag=ZONE_POSITION value=2
D 18:41:46.1423274 Gam