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Last active January 27, 2024 02:58
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Walking myself through Cycle Sort
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"# Cycle Sort\n",
"Ravi Dayabhai"
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"## Introduction\n",
"**Cycle sort** is a nifty sorting algorithm that exploits the fact that any permutation (of some sorted collection of elements) can be decomposed into a **unique set of disjoint _cycles_**. (There are broader, more profound mathematical machinations at play here, but we won't touch on symmetric groups or the like here.)\n",
"### Properties\n",
"For certain types of data (i.e., where we know elements are \"supposed to be\" in the array), the procedure yields a **stable**, **in-place** sort in **linear** time!\n",
"Let's first consider what a _cycle_ actually is, using an example."
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"## Example\n",
"### Cycle & Un-Cycle\n",
"The example below fleshes out the aforementioned concepts with the following toy inputs:"
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"xs = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n",
"c = [1, 3, 4]"
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"Notice that we know _ex ante_ where each element is \"supposed to go,\" since the `xs` consist of the integers in the interval $[0, 5]$, i.e., an _item_ (or value) in `xs` is precisely its _index_ position.\n",
"The `cycle` list contains information about *which elements* (identified by their index) should be rotated.\n",
"In the above example: \n",
"- the item at index `1` should take the place of the item at index `3`\n",
"- the item at index `3` should take the place of the item at index `4`\n",
"- the item at index `4` should take the place of the item at index `1`"
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"def apply_cycle(lst: list[int], cycle: list[int]) -> list[int]:\n",
" items = [lst[i] for i in cycle]\n",
" # This rotation is for indexing convenience\n",
" items = [items[-1]] + items[:-1]\n",
" for i, target in enumerate(cycle):\n",
" lst[target] = items[i]\n",
" return lst"
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"The above function, in the context of the toy inputs, would perform the following:\n",
"1. Collect the actual `items` (elements) that are involved in the `cycle`: `items = [1, 3, 4]`\n",
"2. Does a convenience shift of the `items`: `items = [4,1,3]`\n",
"3. Iterates over `cycle` (which, importantly, contains _indices_ of `lst`) to replace `lst`'s item (at the index given by `cycle`) with the item that should take its place (given by `item`)\n",
"For clarity, the following table outlines the values at play to perform the swaps:\n",
"Object | Containing | Representation \n",
"`cycle` | indices | `[1, 3, 4]`\n",
"`items` | elements | `[4, 1, 3]`\n",
"`lst` | elements | `[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]`\n",
"To spell out the first iteration of the `for`-loop in `apply_cycle` using our example:\n",
"> `i = 0` and `target = 1`, so at `target` in `lst` (`lst[target]`) put the value that should take its place: `items[i] = 4`."
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"perm1 = apply_cycle(xs, c)\n",
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"Notice that reversing the cycle and re-applying the `apply_function` function on the permutated list **recovers the original list**!"
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"[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
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"apply_cycle(perm1, c)"
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"## Sorting with Cycles"
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"### 'Factoring' a Permutation\n",
"The sensation of `apply_cycle` to a `lst` given a set of `cycle`s is analgous to multiplying a set of prime factors to produce a composite integer.\n",
"Thus, we can ask the question, \"What _cycles_ produced this permutation?\""
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"from collections import deque\n",
"# Note: This function is restricted to, taking as input, lists [0 .. n]\n",
"def factor_perm(lst: list[int]) -> list[deque[int]]:\n",
" visited, cycles = set(), []\n",
" for i in range(len(lst)):\n",
" if i != lst[i] and not (i in visited):\n",
" cycle, cur = deque([]), i\n",
" while True:\n",
" cycle.appendleft(cur)\n",
" visited.add(cur)\n",
" cur = lst[cur]\n",
" if cur == i:\n",
" break\n",
" cycles.append(cycle)\n",
" return cycles"
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"execution_count": 6,
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"text/plain": [
"[deque([3, 4, 1])]"
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"metadata": {},
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"factor_perm([0, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5])"
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"### Sorting Using Cycles\n",
"What's amazing is that **cycle sort** results from following a similar procedure as 'factoring' a permutation into its component cycles -- rather than keeping track of each cycle, we can just put out-of-position elements (mutating the input `lst`) where they should be according to the cycle. Even keeping a `visited` set is obviated because we can just skip over elements in their correct position!"
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"# Note: This function is restricted to, taking as input, lists [0 .. n]\n",
"def cycle_sort(lst: list[int]) -> None:\n",
" for i in range(len(lst)):\n",
" if i != lst[i]:\n",
" cur = i\n",
" while True:\n",
" next_pos = lst[cur]\n",
" if cur != i:\n",
" lst[cur] = last_item\n",
" last_item = next_pos\n",
" cur = next_pos\n",
" if cur == i:\n",
" lst[cur] = last_item\n",
" break"
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"[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]"
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"l = [0, 5, 6, 8, 7, 4, 9, 1, 3, 2]\n",
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"We can simplify this implementation above by using the `i`th location in `lst` itself to hold the swapped *out* element, knowing at some point that element will be swapped to its correct position:"
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"# This function is restricted to, taking as input, lists [0 .. n]\n",
"def cyclic_sort(lst: list[int]) -> None:\n",
" n = len(lst)\n",
" for i in range(n):\n",
" while lst[i] != i and lst[lst[i]] != lst[i]:\n",
" # Ordering of this swap is critical!\n",
" lst[lst[i]], lst[i] = lst[i], lst[lst[i]]"
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"id": "1e5cf72e-d9c3-4ce8-8816-577904f0ab97",
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"[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]"
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"l = [0, 5, 6, 8, 7, 4, 9, 1, 3, 2]\n",
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NB: This borrows heavily from this blog post, as this notebook is an artifact of me digesting it!

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