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Last active July 14, 2017 18:21
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Inject Theme into Component
// @flow
import React from 'react';
import classNames from 'classnames';
type ButtonTheme = {
button: string,
small: string,
medium: string,
large: string
type ButtonProps = {
size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large',
children?: any,
// Note that `theme` is required
theme: ButtonTheme
const Button = (props: ButtonProps) => {
const {
size = 'large',
} = props;
const outputClassName = classNames(
return (
<button className={outputClassName}>
Button.displayName = 'Button';
export default Button;
// @flow
import classnames from 'classnames';
type FunctionComponent<P, C> = (props: P, context: C) => ?React$Element<any>;
type ClassComponent<D, P, S> = Class<React$Component<D, P, S>>;
type ThemeType = { [className: string]: string };
type ThemePropType = { theme: ThemeType };
declare function mergeTheme<P: { theme: * }, V: $PropertyType<P, 'theme'>>(
BaseComponent: ClassComponent<*, P, *>,
injectedTheme: V
): FunctionComponent<$Diff<P, { theme: V }>, *>;
declare function mergeTheme<P: { theme: * }, V: $PropertyType<P, 'theme'>>(
BaseComponent: FunctionComponent<P, *>,
injectedTheme: V
): FunctionComponent<$Diff<P, { theme: V }>, *>;
function mergeTheme(BaseComponent, injectedTheme) {
const ThemedComponent = ownProps => <BaseComponent {...ownProps} theme={injectedTheme} />;
ThemedComponent.displayName = `Themed(${BaseComponent.displayName})`;
return ThemedComponent;
export default mergeTheme;
// @flow
import Button from './Button';
import injectTheme from './injectTheme';
import theme from './styles/primary.scss';
// theme will be transpiled to look something like:
// {
// button: primary-button--hx123,
// small: primary-small--2j9r3,
// medium: primary-medium--u9wjh,
// large: primary-large--r92j2
// }
export default injectTheme(Button, theme);
import React from 'react';
import mergeTheme from './mergeTheme';
// == TEST CODE ==========================================
type SomeComponentTheme = {
someClass: string
type SomeComponentProps = {
someProp: string,
theme: SomeComponentTheme
const SomeComponent = (props: SomeComponentProps) => {
return <div className={props.theme.someClass}>{props.someProp}</div>;
const ThemedComponentOne = mergeTheme(SomeComponent, { someClass: 'poop' });
const ThemedComponentTwo = mergeTheme(SomeComponent, { anotherClass: 'poop '}); // should error but doesn't
const ThemedComponentThree = mergeTheme(SomeComponent, { someClass: 1 }); // should error but doesn't
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