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Peter Berthelsen PeterBerthelsen

  • Minneapolis
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PeterBerthelsen / OrthoBot1
Created January 20, 2019 16:43
OrthoBot Authorization
function sendTweet(TweetText, IdInResponseTo, ImageAttachURL){
//////////////////////////Set Variables///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); //spreadsheet
var logsheet = ss.getSheetByName("TweetLog");
var lastRow = Math.max(logsheet.getLastRow(),1) + 1;
var twitterKeys= { //Twitter Authentication Tokens to pass through props
PeterBerthelsen / OrthoBot2
Created January 21, 2019 14:58
OrthoBot Reply Processing
if (IdInResponseTo == 0 || IdInResponseTo == null) { //If no reply is provided...
console.log("No reply ID provided."); //log no reply
} else { //If Reply (or thread) is set up...
var ReplyId = IdInResponseTo; //variable for replies, passed to .sendTweet
console.log("In response to: " + ReplyId) //log response to
params.in_reply_to_status_id = ReplyId; //send with reply
params.auto_populate_reply_metadata = true; //auto-mentions previous user (for thread)
PeterBerthelsen / OrthoBot3
Created January 21, 2019 15:09
OrthoBot Image Processing
//////////////////////////Upload Images///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if (ImageAttachURL == 0 || ImageAttachURL == null){ //If no image URLs are listed...
console.log("No images detected!"); //Log no images detected
} else { //If image URLs are listed...
try{ //Attempt to upload images from URLs
var mediaId = new Array(0); //IDs for uploads, will be CSVs
var imgs = ImageAttachURL.split(","); //Split URL string into individual links
console.log(imgs.length + " images detected!"); //Log num
PeterBerthelsen / OrthoBot4
Created January 21, 2019 15:58
OrthoBot Tweeting
//////////////////////////Send Tweet & Process Response///////////////////////////////////////
try{ //attempt to send tweet
var response = service.sendTweet(status, params); //enter status & params, return response
if (response) { //If response is detected...
console.log("Posted Tweet ID: " + response.id_str); //log response
try { //attempt to log...
logsheet.insertRowBefore(2); //insert row for logs
logsheet.getRange(2,1).setValue(Date()); //timestamp
logsheet.getRange(2,2).setValue(response.id_str); //tweet id
PeterBerthelsen / OrthoBot sendTweet
Created January 21, 2019 16:23
sendTweet Function
function sendTweet(TweetText, IdInResponseTo, ImageAttachURL){
//////////////////////////Set Variables///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); //spreadsheet
var logsheet = ss.getSheetByName("TweetLog");
var lastRow = Math.max(logsheet.getLastRow(),1) + 1;
var twitterKeys= { //Twitter Authentication Tokens to pass through props
PeterBerthelsen / OrthoThread1
Created January 21, 2019 16:27
OrthoThreads Variables
function tweetThread(stringToTweet,delim,img,r){ //pass a string variable with additional option to parse (used for bookending tweets)
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); //spreadsheet
var twtMax = 280; //Character limit for Twitter (variable in case it changes)
var tweets = new Array(0); //create final array to populate with tweets
var total = ""; //variable for 'total' tweet-length section if parsing is required
var start = 0; //starting character for .substring() function, default 0
var excess = 0;
PeterBerthelsen / OrthoThread2
Created January 21, 2019 16:33
OrthoThread Length Check
//////////////////////////Length Check/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
try { //Attempt to check string value for parsing needs
if (stringToTweet == undefined) {throw "Undefined Value: 'stringToTweet'"}; //thrown when tweet string is undefined
var thread = stringToTweet.split(delim); //split initial string along provided delimeter
console.log("Input Thread Length: " + thread.length); //log number of strings in thread
} catch(e) { //Catch thrown error
console.log("Cannot Split Thread. Error: " + e); //Log error
try { //attempt to evaluate parsed tweet thread
if (thread == undefined) {throw "Undefined Value:
PeterBerthelsen / OrthoThread3
Created January 21, 2019 16:49
OrthoThread Parsing
//////////////////////////Parsing Loop/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
while (start<thread[i].length) { //As long as the starting position is NOT at the end of thread[i]...
total = thread[i].substring(start,start + twtMax); //full length of tweet
excess = total.length - total.lastIndexOf(" "); //amount of characters to cut off of 'total' to get to a space (end of last full word)
parsed = thread[i].substring(start,start + twtMax - excess); //new text of tweet-length string ending in full word
start = start + parsed.length + 1; //new start position is the first character after finished tweet
tweets.push(parsed); //adds tweet to thread
console.log("Parsed new tweet," + " length: " +
PeterBerthelsen / OrthoThread4
Created January 21, 2019 17:04
OrthoThread Images
//////////////////////////Split Images/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if (img){ //if image string has been passed...
var imgs = img.split(","); //split CSV into individual URLs
console.log(img + " contains " + imgs.length + " values!"); //log number of images found
} else { //if no image string has been passed...
console.log("No images passed through threading function"); //log no images
} //end image processing
PeterBerthelsen / OrthoThread5
Created January 21, 2019 17:13
OrthoThread Tweets
if (r) {
var replyTo = r
} else {
var replyTo = 0; //set reply (each tweet will reply to previous, first will be null
for (i in tweets){ //for each tweet in thread...
console.log("Tweet Attempt: " + i); //log attempt number (starting @ 0)
if (imgs[i]) { //if valid image URL exists...