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Peter Borah PeterBorah

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contract BrokenToken {
mapping(address => uint) public balanceOf;
uint public totalSupply;
function deposit(uint amount) {
// intentionally vulnerable
balanceOf[msg.sender] += amount;
totalSupply += amount;
contract TokenWithEStop {
mapping(address => uint) public balanceOf;
address public curator;
bool public stopped;
uint public totalSupply;
modifier stopInEmergency { if (!stopped) _ }
modifier onlyInEmergency { if (stopped) _ }
function TokenWithEStop(address _curator) {
contract CircuitBreaker {
struct Transfer { uint amount; address to; uint releaseBlock; bool released; bool stopped; }
Transfer[] public transfers;
address public curator;
address public authorizedSender;
uint public period;
uint public limit;
uint public currentPeriodEnd;
contract TokenWithInvariants {
mapping(address => uint) public balanceOf;
uint public totalSupply;
modifier checkInvariants {
if (this.balance < totalSupply) throw;
function deposit(uint amount) checkInvariants {
import "BrokenToken.sol";
contract Bounty {
// This bounty will pay out if you can cause BrokenToken's balance
// to be lower than its totalSupply, which would mean that it doesn't
// have sufficient ether for everyone to withdraw.
uint public totalBounty;
bool public claimed;
mapping(address => address) public owners;
contract EtherRouter {
function() {
// Look up the latest version of the contract, and then delegatecall.
contract EtherRouter {
function() {
// Look up the latest version of the code, and delegatecall
calldatacopy(mload(0x40), 0, calldatasize)
delegatecall(gas, destination, mload(0x40), calldatasize, mload(0x40), outsize)
calldatacopy(mload(0x40), 0, calldatasize)
delegatecall(gas, destination, mload(0x40), calldatasize, mload(0x40), outsize)
return(mload(0x40), outsize)
import "./Resolver.sol";
contract EtherRouter {
Resolver resolver;
address creator;
function EtherRouter(Resolver _resolver) {
resolver = _resolver;
creator = msg.sender;