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Bob Archer PilotBob

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PilotBob / boxstarter.txt
Last active January 27, 2018 19:44
My Boxstarter Script
# Boxstarter options
$Boxstarter.RebootOk=$true # Allow reboots?
$Boxstarter.NoPassword=$false # Is this a machine with no login password?
$Boxstarter.AutoLogin=$true # Save my password securely and auto-login after a reboot
# Basic setup
Update-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
PilotBob / kendouibundle.cs
Created December 14, 2017 19:21
KendoUI for MVC bundle pointing to NuGet package installed Content and Script folders
// KendoUI Bundles
var path = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "bin");
var kendoVersion = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(path, "Kendo.Mvc.dll")).GetName().Version;
var kendoFormatedVersion = $"{kendoVersion.Major}.{kendoVersion.Minor}.{kendoVersion.Build}";
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/kendoui").Include(
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/kendoui").Include(
if I do this:
var result = db.People.Where(p => p.first = "pilot" && p.last = "bob").Select(p => p.Id).SingleOrDefault();
Can I later do this and expect to find a result?
var result = db.People.Local.Where(p => p.first = "pilot" && p.last = "bob").Select(p => p.Id).SingleOrDefault();
Or since I did a projection is the entity not actually loaded into the context?
while($data =~ /\<b\>.*?\[\W*?$type\W*?(.*?)\].*?\<\/b\>/i)
$votee = lc($1);
$type = lc($type);
$votee =~ s/\<img src=.*\/(.*?)\.gif.*?\>/$1/i;
$name = lc($votee);
declare tally_id int(11);
declare new_count int(11);
declare new_tally int(1);
declare nightfall int(1);
if new.valid != 1 then
leave vote_check;
end if;
set new_tally := 0;
$.ajax(baseUrl + "/eFinancials/Lookup/JobForProperty",
data: {
property: propertyIdField.val(),
allJobs: true,
term: jobIdField.val()
success: function (data) {
if (data[0]) {
<Variables><Variable Name="SSRSPath"><Value>AP/Vendors</Value></Variable></Variables>
Given the above XML fragment (it's actually just part of the XDocument) have do I get the value of the Variable element where Name="SSRSPath" ???
var path = from x in doc.DescenDescendants(ns + "Variables")
ok, that gets me the variables XElement (there is only one). Now what?
Using C#.
public ActionResult SetCookies()
Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("Cookie1", "Test 1"));
Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("Cookie2", "Test 2"));
Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("Cookie3", "Test 3"));
return View("Index");
public ActionResult DeleteCookies()
HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("UserSettings");
myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1d);
// this code is in the DbContext so this is DbContext.
var objectContext = (this as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext;
objectContext.CommandTimeout = csb.ConnectTimeout;