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Alexander Wester Piratkopia13

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Piratkopia13 / hlslHelpers.hlsl
Last active April 16, 2024 10:59
useful hlsl math functions
// Barycentric interpolation
float2 barrypolation(float3 barry, float2 in1, float2 in2, float2 in3) {
return barry.x * in1 + barry.y * in2 + barry.z * in3;
float3 barrypolation(float3 barry, float3 in1, float3 in2, float3 in3) {
return barry.x * in1 + barry.y * in2 + barry.z * in3;
// Generates a seed for a random number generator from 2 inputs plus a backoff
uint initRand(uint val0, uint val1, uint backoff = 16) {
// Calculates the angle of a cone that starts at position worldPosition and perfectly
// encapsulates a sphere at position light.position with radius light.radius
float3 toLight = normalize(light.position - worldPosition);
// Calculate a vector perpendicular to L
float3 perpL = cross(toLight, float3(0.f, 1.0f, 0.f));
// Handle case where L = up -> perpL should then be (1,0,0)
if (all(perpL == 0.0f)) {
perpL.x = 1.0;
// Returns a random direction vector inside a cone
// Angle defined in radians
// Example: direction=(0,1,0) and angle=pi returns ([-1,1],[0,1],[-1,1])
float3 getConeSample(inout uint randSeed, float3 direction, float coneAngle) {
float cosAngle = cos(coneAngle);
// Generate points on the spherical cap around the north pole [1].
// [1] See
float z = nextRand(randSeed) * (1.0f - cosAngle) + cosAngle;
float phi = nextRand(randSeed) * 2.0f * PI;
PSIn VSMain(VSIn input) {
PSIn output;
output.clipPos = mul(mWVPCurrentFrame, input.position);;
output.clipPosLastFrame = mul(mWVPLastFrame, input.position);
return output;
GBuffers PSMain(PSIn input) {
GBuffers gbuffers;
float2 position = input.clipPos.xy / input.clipPos.w * 0.5f + 0.5f;
float2 positionLastFrame = input.clipPosLastFrame.xy / input.clipPosLastFrame.w * 0.5f + 0.5f;
// Temporal filtering via an exponential moving average
float alpha = 0.3f; // Temporal fade, trading temporal stability for lag
// Reproject screenTexCoord to where it was last frame
float2 motionVector = gbuffer_motionVectors.SampleLevel(ss, screenTexCoord, 0);
motionVector.y = 1.f - motionVector.y;
motionVector = motionVector * 2.f - 1.0f;
float2 reprojectedTexCoord = screenTexCoord - motionVector;
// Sample the shadow texture from last frame