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Pistos / Result
Created November 1, 2008 13:37 — forked from chuyeow/Result
hpricot vs. nokogiri: Parsing XML
Set 1 mean: 5.368 s
Set 1 std dev: 0.052
Set 2 mean: 0.703 s
Set 2 std dev: 0.054
p.value: 1.0825088224469e-05
W: 100.0
The difference (-86.9%) IS statistically significant.
Pistos / Notes
Created November 7, 2008 22:57
Using better-benchmark.
I got a segfault when I tried to run this at first, and am now getting lots of
"called on terminated object" at random times (!). Wondering what to do at this
hpricot 0.6.170
nokogiri 1.0.2
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-06-20 patchlevel 22) [i686-linux]
require 'hpricot'
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
class Feed
def self.parse( uri )
doc = Hpricot.XML(open(uri))
feed = new(uri)

An introduction to rvm_selfcontained

So, under the hook, rvm uses a variety of environment variables to tell it where to locate things. Out of the box, these variables are current:

  • rvm_path - the directory in which rvm is installed (e.g. typically ~/.rvm)
  • rvm_prefix - basically, ${rvm_prefix}rvm is used to build the default rvm_path. It tells rvm how to build the default rvm_path, rvm_bin_path and rvm_man_path. This also relies on the rvm_selfcontained argument
  • rvm_selfcontained - tells rvm how to behave when working with rvm_prefix. See "How does rvm_selfcontained work?" below for more information.
Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'a.runtimeStyle' to object
Error thrown at line 130, column 0 in <anonymous function: aa>(a, b) in
called from line 127, column 838 in <anonymous function: get>(d, e, f) in
called from line 127, column 35 in <anonymous function: css>(a, b, d) in
if(h&&"get"in h&&(e=h.get(a,true,d))!==B)
called from line 167, column 117 in <anonymous function>(e) in
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