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I wonder what this button does…

Ben Peachey Potherca

I wonder what this button does…
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Badges for Project Stages


As any active software developer, I tend to have a lot of projects laying about. With the advent of Github all of these projects now live in the public eye.

For me, as the author, it isn't dificult to keep track of which project is in which state of production. For the casual visitor of my project pages this is a different matter.

To help passers-by to identify how solid a certain project is at-a-glance, I felt it would be prudent to offer them a "Badge". Some uniform way of knowing what to expect of the code in the repository without even having to look at it.

Potherca /
Last active February 3, 2025 18:27
52 Gamification Mechanics and Elements as proposed by Andrzej Marczewski (from



Below is a list of various elements and mechanics that support different User Types and contexts.


Name Description
Potherca /
Last active January 26, 2025 13:58
BASH scripts to go through all the steps to make a (VPS) server more secure.
Potherca /
Last active January 4, 2025 11:11
Amount of pulls from docker hub for each of the gitlab pipeline-components.
Potherca /
Last active January 2, 2025 13:51
All MaterialDesign sprites/icons available in PlantUML
Potherca / Rules for creating more robust code in
Last active December 17, 2024 10:12
Rules for creating more robust code in PHP.
Potherca /
Last active November 13, 2024 14:35
HOWTO: Skip files outside PhpStorm project in Xdebug sessions


In PHP development environments, it is not entirely uncommon to use an auto_prepend_file to add development-specific functionality to an application. Usually such a file is used for several projects at the same time. This means the prepend file resides somewhere in a more high-level location.

A more common practice is to use Xdebug te debug PHP code.

When combining these two with PhpStorm this will lead to the prepend file being marked as "not mapped".


Potherca / solutions-stacks.csv
Last active September 28, 2024 06:53
Solution Stack Acronyms
Stack Name Stack Type Operating System / Platform Server Database Language or SDK Framework UI Message Bus / Queue
AMP Web (Backend) Apache MySQL / MariaDB Perl / PHP / Python
BAMP Web (Backend) BSD Apache MySQL / MariaDB Perl / PHP / Python
BAPP Web (Backend) BSD Apache PostgreSQL Perl / PHP / Python
BCHS Web (Backend) BSD SQLite httpd C
DAMP Web (Backend) Darwin Apache MySQL / MariaDB Perl / PHP / Python
ELK Time Series Data Logstash Elasticsearch Kibana
ELKB Time Series Data Logstash Elasticsearch Beats Kibana
FAMP Web (Backend) FreeBSD Apache MySQL / MariaDB Perl / PHP / Python
FWAP Web (Backend) Windows Apache Firebird Perl / PHP / Python
Potherca /
Last active September 2, 2024 13:52
A word on line length in code

A lot of coding standards have an opinion regarding line-length. Some often recuring lengths are 80 and 120 characters.

It is commonly stated that the 80 character limit original existed because of terminal screens. Since we don't live in this world anymore, the 120 character limit becomes more and more the standard.

This statement isn't entirely correct, that is to say, it's even worse than that. The common coding standard is a result of the IBM's 1928 80 column punched card format.

IBM Punchcard