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Created March 28, 2024 03:49
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Diffie--Hellman and Elgamal.ipynb
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"## Setup and introduction to groups\n",
"We'll begin by installing `ark_algebra_py`, and will then go over the group APIs.\n",
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"!pip install --upgrade ark_algebra_py"
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"### Group APIs\n",
"We'll use *additive* notation for our group operations. So, instead of writing $g^x \\cdot g^y$, we'll write $x \\cdot G + y \\cdot G$."
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"from ark_algebra_py.ark_algebra_py import G1 as G, Scalar\n",
"G = G();\n",
"# can generate random scalars/numbers via `.rand()`.\n",
"# This is *not* secure; we only use it for this example\n",
"a = Scalar.rand();\n",
"b = Scalar.rand();\n",
"# We can multiply the generator by scalar field elements\n",
"# (This is the same as exponentiation)\n",
"aG = a * G\n",
"bG = b * G;\n",
"# (don't expect any of the print outputs to make sense; we are working with elliptic curve points)\n",
"print(\"a + b = \", aG + bG); # we can add...\n",
"print(\"a - b = \", aG - G); # ... subtract ...\n",
"print(\"a + -a = \", aG + -aG) # ... negate ...\n",
"print(\"a.double() = \", aG.double()) # ... and double points.\n",
"assert(aG.double() == aG + aG)\n",
"assert(aG + -aG == G.identity())"
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"## Diffie--Hellman Key Exchange\n",
"Recall that the Diffie--Hellman key exchange looks like the following:\n",
"1. Alice samples $a \\gets \\Fp$, and sends $A = a \\cdot G$.\n",
"2. Bob samples $b \\gets \\Fp$, and sends $B = b \\cdot G$.\n",
"3. Alice computes $K := a \\cdot B = ab \\cdot G$.\n",
"4. Bob computes $K := b \\cdot A = ab \\cdot G$.\n",
"Let's implement Alice's and Bob's algorithms."
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"def alice_1():\n",
" # your code here;\n",
" return (a, A)\n",
"def bob_1():\n",
" # your code here;\n",
" return (b, B)\n",
"def alice_2(a, B):\n",
" # your code here\n",
" return K\n",
"def bob_2(b, A):\n",
" # your code here\n",
" return K\n",
"(a, A) = alice_1()\n",
"(b, B) = bob_1()\n",
"k_alice = alice_2(a, B)\n",
"k_bob = bob_2(b, A)\n",
"assert(k_alice == k_bob)"
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"## Elgamal Encryption\n",
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"### Elgamal Key Generation\n",
"Let's begin by implementing key generation for Elgamal. The pseudocode is below.\n",
"1. Sample $a \\gets \\Fp$.\n",
"2. Set $\\sk := a$ and $\\pk := a \\cdot G$.\n",
"3. Output $(\\sk, \\pk)$.\n"
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"def keygen():\n",
" # hint: use `Scalar.rand()`\n",
" # your code here\n",
" return (sk, pk)"
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"### Elgamal Encryption\n",
"Great, we can now generate keys. What about encrypting a message? Let's try to implement that. Recall that the pseudocode for Elgamal encryption looks like the following:\n",
"$\\Encrypt(\\pk = A, m \\in \\Group) \\to c$:\n",
"1. Sample $r \\gets \\Fp$.\n",
"2. Output $c := (rG, m + r \\cdot A)$."
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"def encrypt(pk, m):\n",
" # your code here\n",
" return c"
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"### Elgamal Decryption\n",
"Recall that the opening algorithm looks like the following:\n",
"$\\Decrypt(\\sk = a, c = (R, C)) \\to m$:\n",
"1. Output $m := C - a \\cdot R$.\n"
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"def decrypt(sk, c):\n",
" # your code here\n",
" return m"
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"### Correctness\n",
"Now let's check that our algorithms work!"
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"(sk, pk) = keygen()\n",
"print((sk, pk))\n",
"m = Scalar(10) * G # encode our message (10) into the group\n",
"c = encrypt(pk, m)\n",
"m_prime = decrypt(sk, c)\n",
"assert(m == m_prime)"
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"### Security\n",
"We can't directly check that the scheme is secure, because if it is secure, then we can't find an efficient distinguishing adversary. But let's try something simpler: using a different key to decrypt."
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"(sk_2, pk_2) = keygen()\n",
"print((sk_2, pk_2))\n",
"m_2 = decrypt(sk_2, c)\n",
"assert(m != m_2)"
"metadata": {
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