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Created September 26, 2023 10:41
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KZG Polynomial Commitment Scheme - Solved.ipynb
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"# KZG Polynomial Commitment\n",
"There are four algorithms in the KZG Polynomial Commitment Scheme:\n",
"* $\\Setup(1^\\lambda, d) \\to (\\ck, \\vk)$.\n",
"* $\\Commit(\\ck, p) \\to \\cm$.\n",
"* $\\Open(\\ck, p, z) \\to (\\pi, v)$.\n",
"* $\\Verify(\\vk, \\cm, z, v, \\pi) \\to b \\in \\{0, 1\\}$\n",
"Let's construct these one-by-one."
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"## Setup and introduction to groups\n",
"We'll begin by installing `ark_algebra_py` as before, and will then go over the bilinear group APIs"
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"!pip install --upgrade ark_algebra_py"
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"### Group APIs\n",
"We'll use *additive* notation for our group operations. So, instead of writing $g^x \\cdot g^y$, we'll write $x \\cdot G + y \\cdot G$."
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"from ark_algebra_py.ark_algebra_py import G1, G2, Pairing, GT, Scalar, Polynomial\n",
"G = G1();\n",
"a = Scalar(4);\n",
"b = Scalar(2);\n",
"# We can multiply the generator by scalar field elements\n",
"aG = a * G\n",
"bG = b * G;\n",
"print(\"a + b = \", aG + bG); # we can add...\n",
"print(\"a - b = \", aG - G); # ... subtract ...\n",
"print(\"a + -a = \", aG + -aG) # ... negate ...\n",
"print(\"a.double() = \", aG.double()) # ... and double points."
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"The same API works for $\\mathbb{G}_2$ elements as well, so we won't cover it here. Let's focus on pairings next."
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"G = G1();\n",
"a = Scalar(4);\n",
"b = Scalar(2);\n",
"H = G2(); # The generator of G2 is usually denoted as H.\n",
"# We can multiply the generator by scalar field elements\n",
"aG = a * G\n",
"bH = b * H;\n",
"assert(Pairing.pairing(aG, bH) == Pairing.pairing(G, H)**8)\n",
"assert(Pairing.pairing(b * G, a * H) == Pairing.pairing(G, H)**8)"
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"## KZG Setup\n",
"Recall that the setup algorithm looks like the following:\n",
"$\\Setup(1^\\lambda, d) \\to (\\ck, \\vk)$:\n",
"1. Sample $\\tau \\gets \\mathbb{F}_p$.\n",
"2. Set $\\ck := (G, \\tau G, \\dots, \\tau^d G)$.\n",
"3. Set $\\vk := (G, H, \\tau H)$.\n",
"4. Output $(\\ck, \\vk)$."
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"def setup(degree):\n",
" tau = Scalar.rand()\n",
" ck = [tau**i * G1() for i in range(0, degree + 1)]\n",
" rk = (G1(), G2(), tau * G2())\n",
" return (ck, rk)"
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"## KZG Commit\n",
"Recall that the commit algorithm looks like the following:\n",
"$\\Commit(\\ck, p) \\to \\cm$:\n",
"1. Output $\\cm := \\sum_{i = 0}^d p_i \\tau^i G$.\n"
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"def commit(ck, polynomial):\n",
" # hint: use `zip` function\n",
" # hint: `polynomial.coefficients()` will return a list of `polynomial`'s coefficients\n",
" cm = G1.identity()\n",
" for (p_i, G_i) in zip(polynomial.coefficients(), ck):\n",
" cm = cm + p_i * G_i;\n",
" return cm"
"metadata": {
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"execution_count": 52,
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"Let's benchmark how long this takes for a moderate degree polynomial."
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"(ck, rk) = setup(2**15)\n",
"poly = Polynomial([Scalar(i) for i in range(0, 2**15 + 1)])\n",
"print( # Should be 2^15\n",
"import time;\n",
"start = time.perf_counter();\n",
"cm = commit(ck, poly)\n",
"end = time.perf_counter();\n",
"print(end - start)"
"metadata": {
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"This seems kinda slow, no? Let's speed things up by using multiscalar multiplication via the `msm` method on $\\mathbb{G}_1$ elements."
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"def commit_fast(ck, polynomial):\n",
" cm = G1.msm(ck, polynomial.coefficients())\n",
" return cm"
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"execution_count": 54,
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"Let's benchmark `commit_fast`."
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"start = time.perf_counter();\n",
"cm = commit_fast(ck, poly)\n",
"end = time.perf_counter();\n",
"print(end - start)"
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"execution_count": null,
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"## KZG Open\n",
"Recall that the opening algorithm looks like the following:\n",
"$\\Open(\\ck, p, z) \\to (\\pi, v)$:\n",
"1. Compute evaluation $v := p(z)$.\n",
"2. Compute quotient $q(X) := \\frac{p(X) - v}{X - z}$.\n",
"3. Compute proof $\\pi := \\Commit(\\ck, q)$.\n",
"4. Output $(\\pi, v)$.\n"
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"def open(ck, polynomial, point):\n",
" # hint: `Polynomial.X()` construct the polynomial with just the `X` variable\n",
" # hint: `Polynomial.constant(c) constructs the constant polynomial\n",
" evaluation = polynomial.evaluate(point)\n",
" numerator = polynomial - Polynomial.constant(evaluation)\n",
" denom = Polynomial.X() - Polynomial.constant(point)\n",
" (q, r) = numerator/denom\n",
" assert(r ==\n",
" proof = commit_fast(ck, q)\n",
" return (proof, evaluation)"
"metadata": {
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"execution_count": 56,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"## KZG Verify\n",
"Recall that the verifier's algorithm looks like the following:\n",
"$\\Verify(\\vk, \\cm, z, v, \\pi) \\to b \\in \\{0, 1\\}$:\n",
"1. Check $e(\\cm - v G, H) \\overset?= e(\\pi, \\tau H - z H)$\n"
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"def verify(rk, cm, point, evaluation, proof):\n",
" (G, H, tauH) = rk\n",
" lhs = Pairing.pairing(cm - evaluation * G, H)\n",
" rhs = Pairing.pairing(proof, tauH - point * H)\n",
" return lhs == rhs"
"metadata": {
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"execution_count": 57,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"## Completeness\n",
"Now let's check that our algorithms work!"
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"poly = Polynomial([Scalar(i) for i in range(0, 2**15 + 1)])\n",
"cm = commit_fast(ck, poly)\n",
"point = Scalar(100)\n",
"(proof, evaluation) = open(ck, poly, point);\n",
"assert(verify(rk, cm, point, evaluation, proof))"
"metadata": {
"id": "22JcJ_SpAWtx"
"execution_count": 58,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"## Soundness\n",
"Now let's check that we reject incorrect claims!"
"metadata": {
"id": "1QUy2rt3AOyN"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"poly = Polynomial([Scalar(i) for i in range(0, 2**15 + 1)])\n",
"cm = commit_fast(ck, poly)\n",
"point = Scalar(100)\n",
"(proof, _) = open(ck, poly, point);\n",
"# We'll use an incorrect evaluation\n",
"evaluation = Scalar(0)\n",
"assert(verify(rk, cm, point, evaluation, proof) == False)"
"metadata": {
"id": "FmvQwjIoEKOw"
"execution_count": 59,
"outputs": []
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