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comet(Req) ->
Body = Req:recv_body(),
io:format("~nBody: ~p~n", [Body]),
Socket = Req:get(socket),
inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
Response = connection:handle_json(Body),
inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, false}]),
io:format("~nSending Response: ~s~n", [Response]),
Req:ok({"application/json", [], Response}).
Psli / application.html.erb
Created March 2, 2011 06:24 — forked from ryanb/application.html.erb
simply authenticate
<!-- layout file -->
<% if current_user %>
Welcome <%= current_user.username %>. Not you? <%= link_to "Log out", logout_path %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to "Sign up", signup_path %> or <%= link_to "log in", login_path %>.
<% end %>
Psli / gist:938931
Created April 23, 2011 20:13 — forked from xdite/gist:758319
Ruby / Rails Convention of Techbang

Rails 開發注意要點

About Ruby Syntax

  • 編輯器設定 soft tab (space=2),以 2 格空白符號做為程式內縮距離(不分語言)。
  • 函式如果只有一個參數,就不強制打()
  • 函式如果有二個以上的參數,通通都要有 ()
    • (避免發生奇怪的paser bug跟保持專案一致性)
  • 字串限定用雙引號包覆
  • 善用 "#{str1} #{str3} " 等字串改寫技巧取代不需要的字串加法。
Psli / redis-server
Created May 9, 2011 18:55 — forked from tessro/redis-server
A CentOS initscript for Redis
# redis - this script starts and stops the redis-server daemon
# chkconfig: - 85 15
# description: Redis is a persistent key-value database
# processname: redis-server
# config: /etc/redis/redis.conf
# config: /etc/sysconfig/redis
# pidfile: /var/run/
Psli / buttons.html
Created May 15, 2011 09:13 — forked from OllyHodgson/buttons.html
A nice CSS button style for <a> elements. Tested in IE6-9, Firefox 3.6-4, Chrome 11, Safari 5, Opera 11.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if lt IE 7 ]><html class="ie6"><![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7 ]><html class="ie7"><![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8 ]><html class="ie8"><![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 9 ]><html class="ie9"><![endif]-->
<!--[if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--><html><!--<![endif]-->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>CSS Buttons</title>
Psli / ruby-1.9-tips.rb
Created May 15, 2011 12:21 — forked from corntrace/ruby-1.9-tips.rb
Ruby 1.9 Tips
def tip(msg); puts; puts msg; puts "-"*100; end
# 30 Ruby 1.9 Tips, Tricks & Features:
tip "Upgrading to Ruby 1.9 is simple: rvm install 1.9.2 && rvm --default 1.9.2"
tip "Ruby 1.9 supports named captures in regular expressions!"
Psli / chinesedecimal.rb
Created July 6, 2011 21:40 — forked from xiaods/chinesedecimal.rb
convert RMB currency to chinese describe
$KCODE = 'u'
# Goal: 小写金额转换为大写金额
# Limit: 金额整数位支持到亿位,小数点后支持两位并且不支持四舍五入
class ChineseFee
attr_reader :chn_numbers, :chn_units, :chn_decimals
def initialize
@chn_numbers = %w(零 壹 贰 叁 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖)
@chn_units = %w(元 拾 佰 仟 万 拾万 佰万 仟万 亿)
Psli / routes.rb
Created July 10, 2011 16:44 — forked from pixeltrix/routes.rb
Examples of advanced Rails 3.0 routes
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get '/(:locale)/products/(:category)/(page/:page).:extension',
:to => 'products#index',
:as => :products,
:constraints => {
:locale => /[a-z]{2}/,
:category => /.+?/,
:page => /\d+/

(a gist based on the old toolmantim article on setting up remote repos)

To collaborate in a distributed development process you’ll need to push code to remotely accessible repositories.

This is somewhat of a follow-up to the previous article setting up a new rails app with git.

For the impatient

Set up the new bare repo on the server:

Psli / position-fixed.css
Created August 6, 2011 19:54 — forked from subtleGradient/position-fixed.css
Make position:fixed work in IE6
/*Make position:fixed work in IE6!*/
.fixed-top /* position fixed Top */{position:fixed;bottom:auto;top:0px;}
.fixed-bottom /* position fixed Bottom */{position:fixed;bottom:0px;top:auto;}
.fixed-left /* position fixed Left */{position:fixed;right:auto;left:0px;}
.fixed-right /* position fixed right */{position:fixed;right:0px;left:auto;}
* html,* html body /* IE6 Fixed Position Jitter Fix */{background-image:url(about:blank);background-attachment:fixed;}
* html .fixed-top /* IE6 position fixed Top */{position:absolute;bottom:auto;top:expression(eval(document.documentElement.scrollTop));}
* html .fixed-right /* IE6 position fixed right */{position:absolute;right:auto;left:expression(eval(document.documentElement.scrollLeft+document.documentElement.clientWidth-this.offsetWidth)-(parseInt(this.currentStyle.marginLeft,10)||0)-(parseInt(this.currentStyle.marginRight,10)||0));}