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I'm really busy right now, I can take weeks to answer.

Bram Psycojoker

I'm really busy right now, I can take weeks to answer.
View GitHub Profile
import sys
from redbaron import RedBaron
red = RedBaron(open("../../django/hackeragenda/events/management/commands/", "r").read())
base_call = RedBaron("a()").call
from colors import COLORS
In [3]: from redbaron import RedBaron
In [4]: from colors import COLORS # this file
In [5]: red = RedBaron(open("../../django/hackeragenda/events/management/commands/", "r").read())
# here I'm looking for the best way to get what I want
# I've cut a bug part of the output
In [6]: red("call")
Psycojoker /
Created August 21, 2012 21:21
Gitolite installation script
if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]
echo "run script as root"
if [ ! "$1" ]
echo "give your username as first argument"
Psycojoker / Instructions
Created August 22, 2012 15:04
Steam catalog total price
Run then one of the two python script.
You need at least BeautifulSoup and pprocess if you want to test the multiprocess script.
Psycojoker /
Created December 9, 2012 21:43
alct apprend le yaml stp
import json
from urllib2 import urlopen
all_rows = []
for brole in filter(None, map(lambda x: x.strip(), urlopen("").read().split("---"))):
#for brole in filter(None, map(lambda x: x.strip(), open("a").read().split("---"))):
row = {}
if brole[0] == "#":
year = int(brole.replace("#", "").strip())
Psycojoker / gist:5379345
Created April 13, 2013 17:43
To solve this (french): Lazy (not in the programming sens) approach using random, was too lazy to write a backtracking.
from random import choice
def generate_grille():
return [
[-1, -1, -1],
[-1, -1, -1],
[-1, -1, -1],
def print_grille(grille):
Psycojoker / a
Created May 21, 2013 22:42
Some attempt to extract votes records out of pdfs. NOT YET PERFECT!
mkdir pdfs
cd pdfs
# first download everything
wget $(lynx -dump "" | grep "[^x].pdf$" | purls | puniq)
# then transform everything
for i in *; do pdftotext $i; done
# then run the script
Psycojoker / data.json
Created October 30, 2013 01:26
To reproduce a bug on ijson.
[{"dossierid": "4ddebaac865c0c17de0004c2", "Abstain": {"total": "73", "groups": [{"votes": [{"id": "4de182cf0fb8127435bdbb2f", "orig": "Alvaro"}, {"id": "4de182c70fb8127435bdbb22", "orig": "Attwooll"}, {"id": "4de183530fb8127435bdbbea", "orig": "Beaupuy"}, {"id": "4de183490fb8127435bdbbdb", "orig": "Busk"}, {"id": "4de183d20fb8127435bdbcaa", "orig": "Cocilovo"}, {"id": "4de183d50fb8127435bdbcaf", "orig": "Costa Paolo"}, {"id": "4de1842a0fb8127435bdbd2e", "orig": "Davies"}, {"id": "4de184300fb8127435bdbd36", "orig": "De Sarnez"}, {"id": "4de184510fb8127435bdbd64", "orig": "Drčar Murko"}, {"id": "4de1843a0fb8127435bdbd46", "orig": "Duff"}, {"id": "4de184560fb8127435bdbd6a", "orig": "Duquesne"}, {"id": "4de184b30fb8127435bdbdeb", "orig": "Fourtou"}, {"id": "4de185110fb8127435bdbe78", "orig": "Gibault"}, {"id": "4de1855b0fb8127435bdbedf", "orig": "Hall"}, {"id": "4de1855f0fb8127435bdbee5", "orig": "Harkin"}, {"id": "4de185650fb8127435bdbeed", "orig": "Hennis-Plasschaert"}, {"id": "4de185590fb8127435bdbedd", "orig
Psycojoker / anti_glande_imgur.js
Created November 24, 2013 15:39
Remove right panel of imgur to prevent me from spending hours on this website.
// ==UserScript==
// @name imgur anti glande
// @namespace **
// @description pour arrêter de perdre ma vie sur imgur
// @include **
// @match http://**
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
Psycojoker /
Last active February 16, 2016 11:51

Proposition to port the django admin interface to a more flexible architecture

Current situation and the main objective

Right now in django (1.9) we have:

  • the django admin interface which allows to develop very fast a powerful CRUD but which really lakes in flexibility and is very hard to reuse everywhere else
  • the class based generic views (CBGV) which are very flexible and reusable but can't match at all the speed of develop offered by the admin interface

The desired objective would be to be able to merge the advantages of both: