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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
/* Functions don't check a 'correctness' of strings
* (except NULL checks) because of a structure of
* strings in C - I mean '\0' termination -
* - it's a question of performance. */
Created on 23.11.2012
@author: pycz
import sqlite3
import time
def now_timestamp():
def b(request):
template = Template('b.html')
test = models.Model()
tread = models.Tread(1, models.now_timestamp())
testlist = test.get_all_records_from(tread)
#testlist = [models.Record(*[x for x in item]) for item in testlist]
context = Context({'lol': testlist})
result = template.render(context)
return HttpResponse(result)
class Monk(object):
monk = None
def __call__(self):
if not self.monk:
self.monk = Monk()
return self.monk