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parenting toddlers

Richard Jones RJ

parenting toddlers
View GitHub Profile
%% use sync log so we can check if it caused a wrap event
%% and record the timestamp/num entries for the new wrapfile
%% (ie, collect metadata about each wrapfile.N, for faster seeking)
disk_log:blog(State#state.log, Line),
%% Fun used to write index marker, if we need to this insertion:
WriteIndexFun = fun(FileOffset) ->
Info = disk_log:info(State#state.log),
NoItems = proplists:get_value(no_items, Info),
CurrFile = proplists:get_value(current_file, Info),
%% Just stores an in #state{}
%% API
-export([start_link/1, start_link/2, get_num/0, set_num/1, info/0]).
%% gen_leader callbacks
import sys, os, pgq, skytools, json
class IRCLogger(pgq.Consumer):
def logIrcEvent(self, row):
"""log to disk"""
obj = json.loads(row['json'])"LOGGED EVENT JSON: %s", obj['msg'])
return True
def process_batch(self, src_db, batch_id, ev_list):
kernel.shmmax = 1500000000
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535
vm.overcommit_memory = 1
fs.file-max = 1000000
# General gigabit tuning:
%% Start a connection to the server
{ok, Connection} = amqp_connection:start(#amqp_params_network{}),
%% Once you have a connection to the server, you can start an AMQP channel
{ok, Channel} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Connection),
%% Now that you have access to a connection with the server, you can declare a queue and bind it to an exchange
%% Routing topology:
%% All msgs go to irc_x (fanout exchange)
%% exchange-to-exchange bindings spread msgs to these exchanges:
-define(DEBUG(S,A), io:format(S++"\n",A)).
%% API
-export([start_link/0, start/0]).
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
RJ / github-postcommit.php
Created March 15, 2012 10:37
Crusty old php 3 or 4 from back in the day
// test str/*{{{*/:
$str = <<<EOF
"before": "5aef35982fb2d34e9d9d4502f6ede1072793222d",
"repository": {
"url": "",
"name": "github",
"description": "You're lookin' at it.",
"watchers": 5,
RJ /
Last active April 5, 2018 13:13
Use ESL erlang deb, provide fake erlang-nox package so deps behave
# Install fake erlang packages, then the ESL package
# Afterwards, installing packages that depend on erlang, like rabbitmq,
# will use the ESL packaged erlang without installing the older disto ones
apt-get install equivs
# Create fake erlang packages, since we are using esl-erlang instead
cd /tmp
apt-get install -y equivs
RJ / shitplans.txt
Created May 4, 2012 09:35
Postgresql (9.1) partitions query plans with constraint exclusion
\d+ ircevents
Column | Type | Modifiers
buffer | integer | not null
id | bigint | not null <---------------- unixtime in microsecs (since epoch*1,000,000)
type | text | not null
RJ / slowproxy.js
Created June 8, 2012 16:51
Add lag in both directions to tcp connection
// Generic TCP proxy that adds delay on packets in both directions
var net = require('net'),
repl = require('repl'),
sys = require('sys');
var listenPort = 19999,