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Created January 11, 2023 13:20
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[2023-01-11T14:43:50+02:00][DEBUG] NULL
[2023-01-11T14:43:50+02:00][DEBUG] SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(*) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'security' AND table_name='user'
[2023-01-11T14:43:50+02:00][DEBUG] SELECT DISTINCT c.column_name AS Field, c.data_type AS Type, c.character_maximum_length AS Size, c.numeric_precision AS NumericSize, c.numeric_scale AS NumericScale, c.is_nullable AS Null, CASE WHEN pkc.column_name NOTNULL THEN 'PRI' ELSE '' END AS Key, CASE WHEN c.data_type LIKE '%int%' AND c.column_default LIKE '%nextval%' THEN 'auto_increment' ELSE '' END AS Extra, c.ordinal_position AS Position, c.column_default, des.description FROM information_schema.columns c LEFT JOIN ( SELECT kcu.column_name, kcu.table_name, kcu.table_schema FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage kcu on (kcu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name and kcu.table_name=tc.table_name and kcu.table_schema=tc.table_schema) WHERE tc.constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY') pkc ON (c.column_name=pkc.column_name AND c.table_schema = pkc.table_schema AND c.table_name=pkc.table_name) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT objsubid, description, relname, nspname FROM pg_description JOIN pg_class ON pg_description.objoid = pg_class.oid JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid ) des ON ( des.objsubid = C.ordinal_position AND C.table_schema = des.nspname AND C.TABLE_NAME = des.relname ) WHERE c.table_schema='security' AND c.table_name='user' ORDER BY c.ordinal_position
[2023-01-11T14:43:50+02:00][DEBUG] SELECT "user"."id", "user"."firstname", "user"."lastname", "user"."email", "user"."phone", "user"."role", "user"."password_hash", "user"."created_at", "user"."updated_at", "user"."last_signed_in" FROM "security"."user" LIMIT 1
[2023-01-11T14:43:55+02:00][DEBUG] NULL
[2023-01-11T14:43:55+02:00][DEBUG] SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(*) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'upload' AND table_name='db_file'
[2023-01-11T14:43:55+02:00][DEBUG] SELECT DISTINCT c.column_name AS Field, c.data_type AS Type, c.character_maximum_length AS Size, c.numeric_precision AS NumericSize, c.numeric_scale AS NumericScale, c.is_nullable AS Null, CASE WHEN pkc.column_name NOTNULL THEN 'PRI' ELSE '' END AS Key, CASE WHEN c.data_type LIKE '%int%' AND c.column_default LIKE '%nextval%' THEN 'auto_increment' ELSE '' END AS Extra, c.ordinal_position AS Position, c.column_default, des.description FROM information_schema.columns c LEFT JOIN ( SELECT kcu.column_name, kcu.table_name, kcu.table_schema FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage kcu on (kcu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name and kcu.table_name=tc.table_name and kcu.table_schema=tc.table_schema) WHERE tc.constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY') pkc ON (c.column_name=pkc.column_name AND c.table_schema = pkc.table_schema AND c.table_name=pkc.table_name) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT objsubid, description, relname, nspname FROM pg_description JOIN pg_class ON pg_description.objoid = pg_class.oid JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid ) des ON ( des.objsubid = C.ordinal_position AND C.table_schema = des.nspname AND C.TABLE_NAME = des.relname ) WHERE c.table_schema='upload' AND c.table_name='db_file' ORDER BY c.ordinal_position
[2023-01-11T14:43:55+02:00][DEBUG] INSERT INTO "upload"."db_file" ("link", "mime_type", "size", "created_at", "updated_at", "id") VALUES ('/storage/images/2023/01/68909d66-4ea0-4e88-b268-a5b61a424ecc.webp', 'image/webp', 136710, '2023-01-11 14:43:55.000000+02:00', '2023-01-11 14:43:55.000000+02:00', DEFAULT)
[2023-01-11T14:43:55+02:00][DEBUG] INSERT INTO "upload"."db_file" ("link", "mime_type", "size", "created_at", "updated_at", "id") VALUES ('/storage/images/2023/01/68909d66-4ea0-4e88-b268-a5b61a424ecc_200.webp', 'image/webp', 6924, '2023-01-11 14:43:55.000000+02:00', '2023-01-11 14:43:55.000000+02:00', DEFAULT)
[2023-01-11T14:43:55+02:00][DEBUG] INSERT INTO "upload"."db_file" ("link", "mime_type", "size", "created_at", "updated_at", "id") VALUES ('/storage/images/2023/01/68909d66-4ea0-4e88-b268-a5b61a424ecc_480.webp', 'image/webp', 23806, '2023-01-11 14:43:55.000000+02:00', '2023-01-11 14:43:55.000000+02:00', DEFAULT)
[2023-01-11T14:43:55+02:00][DEBUG] INSERT INTO "upload"."db_file" ("link", "mime_type", "size", "created_at", "updated_at", "id") VALUES ('/storage/images/2023/01/68909d66-4ea0-4e88-b268-a5b61a424ecc_720.webp', 'image/webp', 35346, '2023-01-11 14:43:55.000000+02:00', '2023-01-11 14:43:55.000000+02:00', DEFAULT)
[2023-01-11T14:43:55+02:00][DEBUG] SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(*) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'upload' AND table_name='image'
[2023-01-11T14:43:55+02:00][DEBUG] SELECT DISTINCT c.column_name AS Field, c.data_type AS Type, c.character_maximum_length AS Size, c.numeric_precision AS NumericSize, c.numeric_scale AS NumericScale, c.is_nullable AS Null, CASE WHEN pkc.column_name NOTNULL THEN 'PRI' ELSE '' END AS Key, CASE WHEN c.data_type LIKE '%int%' AND c.column_default LIKE '%nextval%' THEN 'auto_increment' ELSE '' END AS Extra, c.ordinal_position AS Position, c.column_default, des.description FROM information_schema.columns c LEFT JOIN ( SELECT kcu.column_name, kcu.table_name, kcu.table_schema FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage kcu on (kcu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name and kcu.table_name=tc.table_name and kcu.table_schema=tc.table_schema) WHERE tc.constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY') pkc ON (c.column_name=pkc.column_name AND c.table_schema = pkc.table_schema AND c.table_name=pkc.table_name) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT objsubid, description, relname, nspname FROM pg_description JOIN pg_class ON pg_description.objoid = pg_class.oid JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid ) des ON ( des.objsubid = C.ordinal_position AND C.table_schema = des.nspname AND C.TABLE_NAME = des.relname ) WHERE c.table_schema='upload' AND c.table_name='image' ORDER BY c.ordinal_position
[2023-01-11T14:43:55+02:00][DEBUG] NULL
[2023-01-11T14:43:55+02:00][DEBUG] SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(*) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'upload' AND table_name='db_file'
[2023-01-11T14:43:55+02:00][DEBUG] SELECT DISTINCT c.column_name AS Field, c.data_type AS Type, c.character_maximum_length AS Size, c.numeric_precision AS NumericSize, c.numeric_scale AS NumericScale, c.is_nullable AS Null, CASE WHEN pkc.column_name NOTNULL THEN 'PRI' ELSE '' END AS Key, CASE WHEN c.data_type LIKE '%int%' AND c.column_default LIKE '%nextval%' THEN 'auto_increment' ELSE '' END AS Extra, c.ordinal_position AS Position, c.column_default, des.description FROM information_schema.columns c LEFT JOIN ( SELECT kcu.column_name, kcu.table_name, kcu.table_schema FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage kcu on (kcu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name and kcu.table_name=tc.table_name and kcu.table_schema=tc.table_schema) WHERE tc.constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY') pkc ON (c.column_name=pkc.column_name AND c.table_schema = pkc.table_schema AND c.table_name=pkc.table_name) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT objsubid, description, relname, nspname FROM pg_description JOIN pg_class ON pg_description.objoid = pg_class.oid JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid ) des ON ( des.objsubid = C.ordinal_position AND C.table_schema = des.nspname AND C.TABLE_NAME = des.relname ) WHERE c.table_schema='upload' AND c.table_name='db_file' ORDER BY c.ordinal_position
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