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remember to change title after editing lol

Round 1 revision stuff:

  • Kisses, Electoz: "kantan 1/2 rule should be guideline" ✔✔✔✔✔ reworded rule to be more like a rule
  • Nardo: add the missing guidelines from futsuu to the "if you use futsuu as lowest diff" section ✔✔✔ redundant
  • Oko and some others: appropriateness of 1/3 in futsuu since 1/6 would be allowed in muzu ✔✔✔ talked out of because mashing

Difficulty Specific

Rhythm related guidelines and rules apply to approximately 180 BPM maps. If your song is drastically faster or slower, some variables might be different. Apply reasonable judgment in these cases.

Round 3 revision stuff:

  • Skylish: bg position ✔✔✔✔✔
  • some people ingame #taiko: custom hitsounding regulation ✔✔✔ current regulation is fine


Common Terms

Difficulty Naming

  • Kantan: Easy