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Randommood / gist:887697
Created March 25, 2011 21:43 — forked from PharkMillups/gist:884158
brief chat about some cluster testing basics
12:27 <nginr> Hi .. Need a suggestion. I want to test the behaviour of my
cluster as the data in the cluster keeps on increasing. Upto 1 TB.
I want to test the behaviour of Read, Write and Search. Is it possible to do with curl ??
12:28 <chids> nginr: Possible to do what with curl - execute read,
write and search requests?
12:28 <aphyr> PBC or erlang might be faster, but I've used the HTTP interface
for testing in our ruby app
Randommood / gist:887698
Created March 25, 2011 21:43 — forked from PharkMillups/gist:884178
conversation about using Riak for a Rails 3 project
11:55 <pferdefleisch> yo yo yo, I would like to use riak as a file serving
db for a rails 3 project. I am wondering if you can use ripple to save
images. I looked through the code(specifically casting.rb) and didn't see
an image or binary type. This makes me think that I need to use the riak_client
gem and set content type "image/jpg" or the like.
11:56 <pferdefleisch> so, can i even use the riak_client gem -- and -- is this even
a good idea in the first place?
11:56 <pferdefleisch> thx!
@ey_gatekeeper Iness-MacBook-Pro:~ $ cat ~/.eyerc
:secret: ###
# :production:
# :xdna:
Randommood / gist:1005111
Created June 2, 2011 19:31 — forked from moneill/gist:1005105
Sample mongoid.yml generated from rails g mongoid:config (app name is 'appy')
defaults: &defaults
host: localhost
# slaves:
# - host: slave1.local
# port: 27018
# - host: slave2.local
# port: 27019
<<: *defaults
Randommood / connection_pool_adapter.rb
Created August 18, 2011 19:14 — forked from d11wtq/connection_pool_adapter.rb
Sample database.yml for multiple slaves/masters with DataMapper
module DataMapper
module Adapters
class ConnectionPoolAdapter < AbstractAdapter
def initialize(name, options)
assert_kind_of 'options', @options[:pool], Array
raise ArgumentError, "The are no adapters in the adapter pool" if @options[:pool].empty?
tm99-s00026 sm_mongodb # cat /etc/conf.d/mongodb/mongodb.conf
# /etc/conf.d/mongodb
# Mongodb essentials
tm99-s00026 ~ # sm --debug=mongodb mongodb configure
DEBUG mongodb: config path: /opt/sm/pkg/active/config/mongodb.conf
tm99-s00026 ~ # sm --debug=mongodb --force mongodb makedefaultconfig force
DEBUG mongodb: default config path: /etc/conf.d/mongodb.conf
tm99-s00026 ~ # cat /etc/conf.d/mongodb.conf
# Mongodb essentials
# MONGODB_EXEC="/opt/sm/pkg/active/bin/mongod"
# MONGODB_DATA="/db/mongodb/active/data"
# MONGODB_LOG="/etc/conf.d/mongodb.conf"
# MONGODB_USER="mongodb"
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
# This script will generate the commands used to preshard a collection
# in mongodb.
# See:
Randommood / pg extensions
Created December 14, 2011 20:28 — forked from wayneeseguin/gist:1478154
List installed then available postgresql extensions
postgres=# \dx
List of installed extensions
Name | Version | Schema | Description
plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(1 row)
postgres=# \dx+
Objects in extension "plpgsql"
Object Description
Randommood / gist:1733516
Created February 3, 2012 22:57 — forked from lightcap/gist:1440810
Restore Heroku Postgresql db to Engine Yard Cloud (Assuming beta postgres at EY)
# On Heroku
# Create dump file
heroku pgbackups:capture --app <application_name>
# On Engine Yard slice
# Get dump file from heroku
curl -o latest.dump `heroku pgbackups:url b005 --app <application_name> -e <environment>`
# drop and recreate database
bundle exec rake db:drop