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Benjamin Reed RangerRick

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RangerRick /
Last active August 23, 2021 14:07
RELEASE=`.circleci/scripts/ pom.xml`
if [ ! -e $ROOT/ ]; then
echo "Invalid root" && exit 1
./target/opennms/bin/opennms stop
rm -rf ./target
RangerRick /
Last active August 12, 2021 14:12
Soft Sandwich Milk Bread

This recipe is based on Japanese milk bread.

Soft and flavorful, this bread is the ideal sandwich loaf. It slices beautifully, too. What also makes this Soft Sandwich Milk Bread special is the use of tangzhong. Tangzhong is a gelatinous roux of flour and water added into the dough. The result is a soft, moist sandwich bread with a prolonged shelf life.

This recipe was originally for a Pullman pan, but I've tweaked it to just work with our regular bread pans. I am also going to attempt to adapt it to be a rye bread next time. That is the "alternate rye" dough.

RangerRick /
Last active August 5, 2021 18:10
Ranger Rick's Detroit Style Pizza (Jet's Clone)

About This Recipe

Detroit style is a lot like a Sicilian, with a foccacia-like chewy dough and extremely crispy crust which fries in the liberal amount of oil put in the pan for baking.

This recipe is made for this Detroit-style 10x14 pan from LloydPan but should scale easily to other sizes if you adjust the water and flour. The important thing is that the pan needs to be totally flat, so that the crust fries evenly.


RangerRick / git-gone
Last active June 6, 2024 16:59
`git gone`
usage() {
cat <<EOF
usage: git gone [-pldD] [<branch>=origin]
-p prune remote branch
-n dry run: list the gone branches
-d delete the gone branches
-D delete the gone branches forcefully
"presets": [
["@babel/preset-env", {
"targets": {
"node": "current",
"browsers": [ "last 2 versions", "safari >= 7", "> 5%" ]
"modules": "umd",
"useBuiltIns": "usage",
"corejs": 2
RangerRick / gist:7546b11c3b467883bcc7
Created November 3, 2015 14:17
.rpmmacros for building RHEL5-compatible RPMs on RHEL6 and up
%_source_filedigest_algorithm 0
%_binary_filedigest_algorithm 0
%_source_payload w0.bzdio
%_binary_payload w0.bzdio
%__gpg_sign_cmd %{__gpg} gpg --batch --no-verbose --force-v3-sigs --no-armor --passphrase-fd 3 --no-secmem-warning -u "%{_gpg_name}" -sbo %{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}
RangerRick / gist:1b860ab27daee708697a
Created January 15, 2015 21:49
angular autocomplete
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<span ng-repeat="selectedUser in selectedUsers" class="tag" style="padding: 4px 6px; display: inline">
<div class="navy" style="display:inline">{{selectedUser}} <i class="icon ion-close-circled" ng-click="removeTag($index)"></i></div>
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<a ng-repeat="suggestion in suggestions" class="blockSpan" ng-mouseover="$parent.selectedIndex=$index" ng-class="{active : selectedIndex===$index}" ng-click="addToSelectedUsers($index)">{{suggestion}}</a>
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Sin:~/git/CruiseMonkey ranger$ curl --silent --insecure -L -o -
{"stream_posts":[{"id":"54b1ab35dd8fc4fa74000067","author":"pneumatic","display_name":"pneumatic","text":"Most of the reviews I've read recently talk about a long, steep set of stairs from the parking lot to the visitor's center.","timestamp":"2015-01-10T22:44:05.919Z","likes":null,"mentions":[],"entities":[],"hash_tags":[],"parent_chain":[]},{"id":"54b1a6dbdd8fc444d1000066","author":"glenraphael","display_name":"glenraphael","text":"And just as I was trying to post \u0026quot;hey, this all seems to work fine on an iPhone6!\u0026quot; the app hung and I had to reload. Let's see if it takes this update now...","timestamp":"2015-01-10T22:25:31.109Z","likes":null,"mentions":[],"entities":[],"hash_tags":[],"parent_chain":[]},{"id":"54b1a5b4dd8fc4d42d000065","author":"glenraphael","display_name":"glenraphael","text":"The Glen Raphael concert is tentatively scheduled for Thursday 5-6pm in Labyrinth. Since this is
RangerRick / gist:475493dff4a5c89824b0
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Come Follow Me...

Rules: Read the whole thing
While listening to the music from
On repeat
If you don't get scared, you have no emotions.

Come Follow Me...

During the first few days of the release of Pokemon Red and Green in Japan, back in February 27, 1996, a peak of deaths appeared in the age group of 10-15.