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Recodify / HttpRequestExtensions.cs
Last active January 1, 2016 14:59
The following extension method on HttpRequest will create a string that can be pasted into fiddler (or used in a curl request) and replayed.
namespace System.Web
using System.IO;
/// <summary>
/// Extension methods for HTTP Request.
/// <remarks>
/// See the HTTP 1.1 specification
/// for details of implementation decisions.
/// </remarks>
Recodify / SecuredPassword.cs
Last active January 1, 2016 14:59
A persistence unaware securely hashed password using Rrc2898DeriveBytes. Both the hashed password and the generated salt should be persisted.
public class SecuredPassword
private const int saltSize = 256;
private readonly byte[] hash;
private readonly byte[] salt;
public byte[] Hash
get { return hash; }
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namespace homelync
using System;