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Andreas Ekeroot Rembane

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Rembane / Magic.hs
Last active December 31, 2015 06:19
So, what happens when we wrap something in a monad? :D And what can we do with these endless possibilities?
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
-- If we aren't careful, the monomorphism restriction will bite our backs.
module Magic where
magic :: (Monad m) => Int -> Int -> m Int
magic a b = return $ a + b
main = magic 7 3
Rembane /
Created January 7, 2014 12:28
The ugliness! :D
li = [...]
while True:
c =
if condition(c):
except StopIteration:
# Not found...
Rembane / prime.hs
Last active January 2, 2016 18:29
A prime number generator, for fun!
import qualified Data.Vector as V
steppingPrimeGenerator :: (V.Vector Int, Int) -> (V.Vector Int, Int)
steppingPrimeGenerator (ps, x) | V.null $ V.filter ((==0) . (mod x)) ps = (V.snoc ps x, succ x)
| otherwise = (ps, succ x)
Rembane /
Last active June 17, 2016 17:14
  • ffffff-ffff, fff f fffffff
  • ffff FFFF ffff FFFF ffff FFFF
  • F
  • fF
  • fffff, fffff, fffff, F
  • #ffffff
  • #fff
  • #FFF
# encoding: utf-8
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from Cookie import SimpleCookie
import requests
url_template = u'{}&action=edit'
with open('cookie.txt') as fh:
cookies = {k : v.value for k,v in SimpleCookie(}
void count_freq(int *number, int number_length) {
int *freqs[MAX], *p1;
// Nollställ först
for(p1=freqs; p1 < freqs + MAX; p1++) {
*p1 = 0;
for(p1=number; p1 < number + number_length; p1++) {
module Main where
-- This one works, but is terribly slow.
-- Make it faster!!!
step (my, mx) (y, x) = if my == y && mx == x
then 1
else stepY + stepX
stepY | y < my = step (my, mx) (y+1, x)
import time
while True:
,>, Input two bytes
[-<+>] While the second byte is greater than zero add it to the first byte
<. Print the first byte
int main() {
printf("1 == %i\n", 1);
printf("~1 == %i\n", ~1);
printf("~~1 == %i\n", ~~1);
return 0;