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Remy Porter RemyPorter

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RemyPorter /
Last active January 4, 2023 18:25
This is a simple synthesizer based on NumPy, which allows you to create surprisingly complex sounds with surprisingly simple code. Uses the Python library `sounddevice` for playback, so you'll need to `pip install sounddevice`
import time
import spatial as sp
import sounddevice as sd
def play(sound, sample_rate=sp.SAMPLE_RATE):
"""Helper to play serially"""
time.sleep(len(sound) / sample_rate)
space =
RemyPorter / poggers.js
Created September 30, 2021 19:53
Replace all references to NFTs with references to POGs on all websites
// ==UserScript==
// @name Poggers
// @desc Replace references to "NFTs" with references to "POGs"
// @grant none
// @match *://*/*
// @version 1.0
// ==/UserScript==
var replaceArry = [
[/\bNFT(s)?\b/gi, function(match, plural) {
return plural ? "POGs" : "POG"
RemyPorter /
Last active July 8, 2021 12:52
Inspired by playing around with attractors (, I decided to map that onto a wildly different vector space- language. This is a "fractal" poetry generator, which leaps through vector space to construct its poetry
This uses the chaos-game algorithm to generate a sierpinski-gasket type pattern, but applies that pattern to wordspace.
Each word is a vector (in `-f`ull mode, that's 300 dimensions). Starting with a random position in that space,
this randomly moves the tracepoint towards one of your targets, based on the `-l`erp distance. Rinse, repeat.
The result is strangely structured, but also grammarless output.
You'll need to pip install gensim and numpy
RemyPorter / MarkovGlyphs.pde
Last active May 29, 2021 16:33
A Markov Chain-based glyph generator
A markov-chain based glyph generator. Given sequences of points as a corpus, this will create a markov chain based on those points.
Then, by sampling the chain, we can generate entirely new glyphs that weren't in our original dataset.
Press "r" to generate a new frame. Press "s" to save the frame to a file (with a random UUID as its name).
Requires the PostFx library:
import java.util.*;
RemyPorter / cga-gen.pde
Last active April 12, 2021 18:09
A math-y CGA generator. Use lots of bitwise operations in `f`, use `p` and `d` to convert to polar coordinates.
boolean save = true //set to false while prototyping
int palettes[][] = {
{#000000, #00AA00, #AA0000, #AA5500},
{#000000, #55FF55, #FF5555, #FFFF55},
{#000000, #00AAAA, #AA00AA, #AAAAAA},
{#000000, #55FFFF, #FF55FF, #FFFFFF},
{#000000, #00AAAA, #AA0000, #AAAAAA},
{#000000, #55FFFF, #FF5555, #FFFFFF}
RemyPorter /
Last active February 26, 2021 16:50
Quick/Dirty script to sync local .project/.path files with Depends on `requests`.
# Save your Finger.Farm token in ~/.fingerfarm/token
# Update your .plan/.project files as you like, then run this
# requires `requests` installed, no I'm not bothing with a requriements file
import json
import requests
from pathlib import Path
with open(Path.home() / Path(".plan"), "r") as p:
plan =
RemyPorter / Orbital.pde
Last active July 14, 2020 15:08
A simple version of the Visual Phaser for Gisting Purposes
float FR = 60;
float SPEED = 2;
float STEP = 20;
float R = 40;
float DOT_SIZE = 4;
boolean RECORD = false;
boolean DRAW_CIRCLES = true;
float phase(float x, float y) {
RemyPorter / ruleconfig.pde
Created April 21, 2020 21:54
Just an interesting rule config for VisualPhaser
sim = builder(15, 3.3, 1)
.rule(new RuleStep() {
public float f(float x, float y, PhaseField field) {
return (x * 1.6 - y * 0.9) * sin(field.dc(x, y)/(width+height)*8*PI) * 0.01 + PI;
}, 1)
.rule(new RuleStep() {
public float f(float x, float y, PhaseField field) {
return pow(x*x+y*y, 0.5);
import ch.bildspur.postfx.builder.*;
import ch.bildspur.postfx.pass.*;
import ch.bildspur.postfx.*;
class Pathicle {
public Pathicle(PVector o, float r, float s, float p) {
origin = o;
phase = p;
radius = r;
speed = s;
import ch.bildspur.postfx.builder.*;
import ch.bildspur.postfx.pass.*;
import ch.bildspur.postfx.*;
PostFX fx;
final int EMPTY = 0;
final int CELL = 1;