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Migrated eSolia to MS365, implementing ISO 27001 ISMS in Sharepoint.

Rick Cogley RickCogley

Migrated eSolia to MS365, implementing ISO 27001 ISMS in Sharepoint.
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You could define different groups of labels like issue types, issue priorities, issue statuses, version tags, and maybe more. In order to be able to see instantly to which group a label belongs to you could use a naming convention like <label-group>:<label-name>.
Using such a naming convention should make managing Github issues much easier and helps others to "understand" issues much faster. Note that you can also assign colors to labels which can add even more to readability (I would use a specific color for each label group). But because you still have to assign/unassign those labels to/from issues manually you might want to keep the overall list of groups/labels small.
According to the scheme suggested above you might define groups and corresponding labels as follows.
'issue type' group
The trickiest thing to get right is the labels. One that worked well for us is the idea of two-dimensional labelling (i.e. every issue has two labels):
Severity label: these labels have colors to make them visually identifiable. It’s important to not have too many of these, to make the choice easy, here are some suggestions:
blocking: drop everything you’re working on, this needs to be fixed today (we also had “überblocking” for extremely severe issues)
critical: this should be the next thing to work on, should be fixed within a few days
high priority: important to work on
low priority: if you have some spare time this would be nice to have.
Component label: which aspect of the project the issue related to, such as “debugger”, “dashboard” etc.
The labels are assigned by the reporter and adjusted (if necessary) by quality assurance people or the product/project manager
// credential to access github, you should choose between username/password authentication or token (for two step verification accounts)
$githubUser = 'YOURGITHUBUSER';
$githubPasswd = 'YOURGITHUBPASSWD';
// or
//$githubToken = 'YOURGITHUBTOKEN';
$githubOrganization = 'YOURGITHUBORGANIZATION';
// the list of repo in your github organization you want to align
$repos = array(
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RickCogley /
Created February 14, 2015 23:32
Echo times in various timezones to std out, for use in Automator Script
echo == Reference Times ==
echo -e "Tokyo - \t" `TZ=Asia/Tokyo date "+%Z (%z) %R %a %e %b %Y";`
echo -e "Hong Kong - \t" `TZ=Hongkong date "+%Z (%z) %R %a %e %b %Y";`
echo -e "Calcutta - \t" `TZ=Asia/Calcutta date "+%Z (%z) %R %a %e %b %Y";`
echo -e "Berlin - \t" `TZ=Europe/Berlin date "+%Z (%z) %R %a %e %b %Y";`
echo -e "London - \t" `TZ=GMT date "+%Z (%z) %R %a %e %b %Y";`
echo -e "New York - \t" `TZ=US/Eastern date "+%Z (%z) %R %a %e %b %Y";`
echo -e "Chicago - \t" `TZ=US/Central date "+%Z (%z) %R %a %e %b %Y";`
echo -e "Denver - \t" `TZ=US/Mountain date "+%Z (%z) %R %a %e %b %Y";`
echo -e "San Francisco - \t" `TZ=US/Pacific date "+%Z (%z) %R %a %e %b %Y"`
# import best-practice standard perl modules
use strict;
use warnings;
# import the XKPassed module
use lib '/usr/local/';
use XKPasswd;
# create an XKPasswd password generator object with out custom config
my $config_overrides = {
RickCogley / cogley-dict-xkpasswd.dict
Last active August 2, 2022 07:03
Dictionary file with Japanese romaji and English, for
RickCogley / Chrome rejecting relative link for SSL site
Created March 10, 2015 08:40
Chrome is rejecting a relative link as being insecure on an SSL site
         _____                    _____                    _____
        /\    \                  /\    \                  /\    \
       /::\    \                /::\    \                /::\    \
       \:::\    \              /::::\    \              /::::\    \
        \:::\    \            /::::::\    \            /::::::\    \
         \:::\    \          /:::/\:::\    \          /:::/\:::\    \
          \:::\    \        /:::/__\:::\    \        /:::/  \:::\    \
          /::::\    \      /::::\   \:::\    \      /:::/    \:::\    \
 _____   /::::::\    \    /::::::\   \:::\    \    /:::/    / \:::\    \
/\    \ /:::/\:::\    \  /:::/\:::\   \:::\____\  /:::/    /   \:::\    \