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Risto-Stevcev / index.html
Last active September 4, 2017 23:20 — forked from anonymous/index.html
Web Components Example JS Bin// source
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::content .product-img {
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Risto-Stevcev /
Created August 19, 2017 11:53
Moore machine in reason
type moore 'x 'y =
| Moore 'x ('y => moore 'x 'y);
let rec contramap f (Moore x step) => Moore x (fun y => contramap f (step (f y)));
let rec map f (Moore x step) => Moore (f x) (fun y => map f (step y));
let extract (Moore x step) => x;
let rec extend f (Moore x step as self) => Moore (f self) (fun y => extend f (step y));
let step x (Moore _ step) => step x;
module ReducerExample = {
type state 'a = | LoggedIn 'a | LoggedOut | Initial;
Risto-Stevcev / .XCompose
Created August 4, 2017 11:59
A custom Compose file for easier key bindings to math symbols
# UTF-8 (Unicode) compose sequence
# This is a custom compose file for writing easy unicode math symbols, it's placed in the $HOME dir
<Multi_key> <a> : "∀" U2200 # FOR ALL
<Multi_key> <semicolon> : "∷" U2237 # PROPORTION
<Multi_key> <comma> : "←" U2190 # LEFTWARDS ARROW
<Multi_key> <period> : "→" U2192 # RIGHTWARDS ARROW
<Multi_key> <equal> <comma> : "⇐" U21D0 # LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW
Risto-Stevcev /
Last active August 4, 2017 12:27
Unicode support and typing math operators on linux

Here are some steps to set up the ability to type unicode math operators in vim:

  1. Enable the compose key:
    setxkbmap -option compose:ralt

  2. Create a custom Compose file (recommended). Place it in $HOME. Here's a very brief example:

# ~/.XCompose
<Multi_key> <a> : "∀"  U2200 # FOR ALL
Risto-Stevcev / io-demo.js
Last active July 28, 2017 17:15
A simple description in JS on how haskell style IO works and how it's written in strict languages
var fs = require('fs')
* - The key is that everything is wrapped in a closure, so effects don't do anything until they're run
* - JS is untyped, but you can think of these as having an IO type. `readFile` for example is like `String -> IO String`
* - Some view functions like `readFile`, `writeFile`, etc here as 'recipes', because the actual side effect is
* in a closure, and it's almost as if it describes an intent to run a side effect, but doesn't do so until
* it's actually run.
* - You can chain these recipes (or intentions) together to form a program
* - These functions like `readFile` are pure because calling it any number of times always returns the same thing,
Risto-Stevcev /
Created July 16, 2017 15:12
Choosing abstractions based on Additive vs Multiplicative Monoids for Int
open List
module type Monad = sig
type 'a t
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val pure : 'a -> 'a t
val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
module type Monoid = sig
type t
Risto-Stevcev / STLC.idr
Created June 24, 2017 13:31
Simply typed lambda calculus in Idris
module STLC
%default total
-- Types
infixr 0 :=>
data Ty : Type where
Risto-Stevcev / Bug.idr
Last active June 15, 2017 12:58
Some bug? in idris?
data CatQueue a = MkCatQueue (List a) (List a)
data NonEmptyQueue : CatQueue a -> Type where
IsNonEmptyQueue : Either (NonEmpty xs) (NonEmpty ys) -> NonEmptyQueue (MkCatQueue xs ys)
Uninhabited (NonEmptyQueue (MkCatQueue [] [])) where
uninhabited (IsNonEmptyQueue (Left IsNonEmpty)) impossible
uninhabited (IsNonEmptyQueue (Right IsNonEmpty)) impossible
qqqq : (q : CatQueue a) -> {auto prf : NonEmptyQueue q} -> Unit
Risto-Stevcev / index.html
Last active May 8, 2017 04:53
Creating a redux style store with RxJS observables
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