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Robert Blackwell RobBlackwell

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bwselect(BW, c , r)
Select objects in a binary image.
Similar to the MATLAB function of the same name.
function bwselect(BW, c, r)
# constants
north = CartesianIndex(-1, 0)
hysthresh(im, T1, T2)
Hysteresis thresholding
A simple port of Peter Kovesi's MATLAB method to Julia.
Usage: bw = hysthresh(im, T1, T2)
using PerceptualColourMaps
using Images
function myimagesc(A)
x = minimum(A)
y = maximum(A)
B = (A .- x) ./ (y - x)
imgc = applycolormap(B, cmap("R3")) # outputs a 3-dimensional array
imgc2 = colorview(RGB, permuteddimsview(imgc, (3,1,2)))
using MAT
function mymatread(filename, varname)
file = matopen(filename)
x = read(file, varname)
return x
const MATLAB_EPOCH = Dates.DateTime(-0001,12,31)
Converts a Julia DateTime to a MATLAB style DateNumber.
MATLAB represents time as DateNumber, a double precision floating
point number being the the number of days since January 0, 0000
Estimates the required bin width for the distribution x.
Freedman, D. and Diaconis, P., 1981. On the histogram as a density
estimator: L 2 theory. Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und
verwandte Gebiete, 57(4), pp.453-476.
using PyCall
@pyimport pickle
# This works for complex objects such as Scikit learn models. REB
# 20171129
function mypickle(filename, obj)
out = open(filename,"w")
pickle.dump(obj, out)
using Glob
using CSVFiles
using DataFrames
filenames = glob("*.csv")
function load_dataframes(filenames)
df = DataFrame(CSVFiles.load(filenames[1]))
for filename in filenames[2:end]
df2 = DataFrame(CSVFiles.load(filename))
Given a two dimensional array `A` of size `m` x `n`, return an array
of `n` vectors being the columns in `A`. Each vector is of length `m`.
function column_vectors(A)
m,n = size(A)
[A[:,i] for i in 1:n]

Patch Julia

find /nix -name '*'

set -x the_interpreter "/nix/store/68sa3m89shpfaqq1b9xp5p1360vqhwx6-glibc-2.25/lib/"

patchelf --set-interpreter $the_interpreter julia