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Rob Combs RobCombs

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Name Stmts Exec Cover Missing
cmgd_wraps 1 0 0% 1
cmgd_wraps.models 1 0 0% 1
ellington_overrides.generic_proxies 0 0 100%
ellington_overrides.generic_proxies.migrations 1 0 0% 1
ellington_overrides.generic_proxies.migrations.0001_initial 15 0 0% 2-99
ellington_overrides.generic_proxies.models 21 0 0% 5-39
from django.db import connection, transaction
def photo_detail(request, slug_hierarchy, pk_hash):
cursor = connection.cursor()
"""Retrieve a photo object by the hash of the photo primary key and return it to the photo template"""
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE %s" % pk_hash)
def get_toplevel_categories(self, **filters):
Similar to objects.filter but returns only toplevel results.
#Filter categories based on the filter keyword argument
category_subset = self.filter(**filters)
""" Migration created to give each category with a clark-howard hierarchy a top level
clark-howard category and set the hierarchy to news.
Also, the hierarchy db table has a default hierarchy of news,
so it will be set in the model/orm
# encoding: utf-8
import datetime
from south.db import db
from south.v2 import SchemaMigration
from django.db import models
def is_active(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
"""Tests if the flag is active"""
ret = self.backend.is_active(key, *args, **kwargs)
if not ret: return False
if key in self.registered_checks:
for check in self.registered_checks[key]:
if not check(key, **kwargs):
return False
return True
hi, i've updated the plug in to allow for delegation so that current and future text fields will be processed.
* jQuery Maxlength plugin
* @author Emil Stjerneman, updated by Rob Combs
* @version $Id: jquery.maxlength.js 18 2014-06-17
* @package jQuery maxlength 1.0
(function($) {
--- a/storyville/conf/sites/
+++ b/storyville/conf/sites/
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ from storyville.conf.common import *
from storyville.conf.environment import *
from import *
-SITE_ID = 1000
+SITE_ID = 1017