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Mr. Beedell, Roke Julian Lockhart RokeJulianLockhart

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am rokejulianlockhart on github.
  • I am rokejulianlockha ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASA62lm4exmeCjY6-Q-62eYynQI-2ddu2DqnU1gxzhyxuQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Computer Information:
Manufacturer: ASRock
Model: X670E Taichi
Form Factor: Desktop
No Touch Input Detected
Processor Information:
CPU Vendor: AuthenticAMD
CPU Brand: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X 6-Core Processor
CPU Family: 0x19
CPU Model: 0x61
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Proton: 1694112709 experimental-8.0-20230907
SteamGameId: 813780
Command: ['/home/RokeJulianLockhart/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/AoE2DE/AoE2DE_s.exe']
Options: {'forcelgadd', 'noopwr'}
depot: 0.20230905.59202
pressure-vessel: 0.20230905.0 scout
scripts: 0.20230905.0
sniper: 0.20230905.59202 sniper 0.20230905.59202
Kernel: Linux 6.5.4-1-default #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Sep 20 05:07:04 UTC 2023 (fdd7e9e) x86_64
Proton: 1694112709 experimental-8.0-20230907
SteamGameId: 2240000
Command: ['/home/RokeJulianLockhart/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/AIImageGenerator/game.exe']
Options: {'forcelgadd'}
depot: 0.20230905.59202
pressure-vessel: 0.20230905.0 scout
scripts: 0.20230905.0
sniper: 0.20230905.59202 sniper 0.20230905.59202
Kernel: Linux 6.5.4-1-default #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Sep 20 05:07:04 UTC 2023 (fdd7e9e) x86_64
"LD_* scout runtime" information:
"steam-runtime-system-info" : {
"version" : "0.20240806.0+srt1",
"path" : "/home/RokeJulianLockhart/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/usr/bin/steam-runtime-system-info"
"can-write-uinput" : true,
"steam-installation" : {
"path" : "/home/RokeJulianLockhart/.local/share/Steam",
"data_path" : "/home/RokeJulianLockhart/.local/share/Steam",
Prism Launcher version: 8.4 (official)
Launched instance in online mode resolves to:
[,,,,,,,, 2603:1026:3000:c8::b, 2603:1027:1:d8::9, 2603:1026:3000:d0::, 2603:1026:3000:d0::6, 2603:1026:3000:d0::9, 2603:1026:3000:d0::b, 2603:1026:3000:d0::d, 2603:1026:3000:c8::6] resolves to:
[, 2620:1ec:bdf::64]
Script started, output log file is '/home/RokeJulianLockhart/output.txt.log', input log file is '/home/RokeJulianLockhart/input.txt.log', timing file is '/home/RokeJulianLockhart/timings.txt.log'.
PowerShell 7.4.5
A new PowerShell stable release is available: v7.4.6
Upgrade now, or check out the release page at:
PS /home/RokeJulianLockhart> code --verbose --vmodule="*/components/os_crypt/*=1"
[148979:1101/] Password storage detected desktop environment: KDE6
[main 2024-11-01T15:46:26.227Z] [File Watcher (node.js)] Request to start watching: /home/RokeJulianLockhart/.config/Code/User (excludes: <none>, includes: <all>, filter: <none>, correlationId: <none>),/home/RokeJulianLockhart/.config/Code/User/settings.json (excludes: <none>, includes: <all>, filter: <none>, correlationId: <none>)
  1. #!/usr/bin/env -S pwsh
    & '/home/RokeJulianLockhart/AppImages/stack_wallet.appimage'
  2. PS /home/RokeJulianLockhart> & '/home/RokeJulianLockhart/AppImages/stack_wallet.appimage'   
    flutter: Log: [Info][2024-11-15 20:48:35.952Z]: Logs older than 2024-10-16 20:48:35.950343Z cleared!
17:00:58.899 InstallTrigger is deprecated and will be removed in the future. constants.js:50:15
17:00:58.908 Content-Security-Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline ("script-src"). content-fontface.js:50:26
17:00:58.930 Content-Security-Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline ("script-src"). 2 content-script.js:40:66
19:00:57.554 Got notification data NotificationsApp.vue:377
19:00:57.554 Polling interval updated to 30000 NotificationsApp.vue:414
19:01:27.608 Got notification data NotificationsApp.vue:377
19:01:27.608 Polling interval updated to 30000 NotificationsApp.vue:414
19:01:57.613 Got notification data NotificationsApp.vue:377
19:01:57.613 Polling interval updated to 30000 NotificationsApp.vue:414
19:02:27.618 Got notification data NotificationsApp.vue:377