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RomanHotsiy /
Created January 3, 2014 17:48
Wireshark DCBX HowTo

Getting the sources

You have two options to get souces:

  • use prepared tarball/archive with applied patch
  • use the latest code from version control

Using prepared tarball

Download archive file from and extract sources into some folder (for example ~/wireshark). You should not apply any patches: all patches are included in archive. Goto Build steps.

Using latest code from version control

import { graphql } from 'react-apollo';
import { graphqlLodash } from 'graphql-lodash';
export function gqlLodash(rawQuery, config) {
const {query, transform} = graphqlLodash(rawQuery);
// save original props callback
let origProps = (config && config.props) || ((props) => props);
return (comp) => graphql(query, {...config,
props: (props) => origProps({
import React from 'react';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import { gqlLodash } from './gqlLodash';
// data here contains already transformed data
function MyComponent({data: {loading, peopleToFilms}}) {
if (loading) return (<div> Loading... </div>);
let people = Object.keys(peopleToFilms);
return (

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am romanhotsiy on github.
  • I am rhotsiy ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDTy6CZapbr1L8Tr0Be9PR1B9dDcj_GUQUXAFS-UYQNJwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

function npm-ls-files() {
fname="$(npm pack)" && tar -ztf $fname | sed 's/^package\///g' && rm $fname

Convert markdown indented code blocks to fenced code blocks

This script runs on a folder and converts all the indented code blocks in markdown files to fenced code blocks.

The script tries to preserve the original markdown formatting.


npm install