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MRomeh Romeh

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* get order state service API
* @param getOrderStatusCmd get Order state command
* @return order state
public CompletableFuture<OrderState> getOrderStatus(OrderCmd.GetOrderStatusCmd getOrderStatusCmd) {
return PatternsCS.ask(getOrderEntity(), getOrderStatusCmd, timeout).toCompletableFuture()
default-property-inclusion: non_null
config: eventSourcing.conf
system-name: orderManagerSystem
* the main order entity required configuration for event souring toolkit
public class OrderEntityProperties implements PersistentEntityProperties<OrderManager, OrderCmd, OrderEvent> {
private Map<Class<? extends OrderEvent>, String> tags;
* init the event tags map
* Tha main Event sourcing DDD aggregate class for order domain which handle the order commands within it is boundary context
* @author romeh
public class OrderManager extends PersistentEntity<OrderCmd, OrderEvent, OrderState> {
* how to handle supervisor strategy definition for the parent actor of the entity
// if you want to do atomic update over cache entry
public void updateAlertEntry(String serviceId, String serviceCode, AlertEntry alertEntry) {
//get the JSR cache reference
final Cache<String, List<AlertEntry>> alertsCache = getAlertsCache();
// then invoke atomic update on the cache entry
alertsCache.invoke(serviceId, (mutableEntry, objects) -> {
if (mutableEntry.exists() && mutableEntry.getValue() != null) {
logger.debug("updating alert entry into the cache store invoke: {},{}",serviceId,serviceCode);
final List<AlertEntry> alertEntries = mutableEntry.getValue();
private javax.cache.CacheManager cacheManager;
// get access to your cache for further operation
private Cache<String, List<AlertEntry>> getAlertsCache() {
return cacheManager.getCache(;
// close the cache manager upon shutting down
<jsr107:defaults enable-management="true" enable-statistics="true"/>
<!-- file persistance enabling-->
<persistence directory="./cache"></persistence>
<!-- the 2 caches we will create-->
<cache alias="AlertsConfig" uses-template="config-cache"/>
// enable spring boot caching
public class AlertManagerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
<!-- ehcache and JSR dependencies-->