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Russell Andrew Edson RussellAndrewEdson

  • Adelaide, Australia
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RussellAndrewEdson /
Created March 9, 2015 01:09
Computes a polynomial using Horner's Rule.
public class HornersRule {
public static int totalAdditions = 0;
public static int totalMultiplications = 0;
* Computes the value of the polynomial with the given coefficients
* at the point x, using Horner's Rule.
* @param coefficients An array of coefficients: a_i = coefficients[i]
RussellAndrewEdson /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Computes a polynomial by caching intermediate powers of x.
public class Polynomial2 {
public static int totalAdditions = 0;
public static int totalMultiplications = 0;
* Computes the value of the polynomial with the given coefficients
* at the point x.
* @param coefficients An array of coefficients: a_i = coefficients[i]
RussellAndrewEdson /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Computes a polynomial in the obvious (less efficient) way.
public class Polynomial1 {
public static int totalAdditions = 0;
public static int totalMultiplications = 0;
* Computes the value of the polynomial with the given coefficients
* at the point x.
* @param coefficients An array of coefficients: a_i = coefficients[i]
RussellAndrewEdson / miu_system5.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
The "genie" that generates MIU strings.
# Given a list of MIU strings, this method generates more strings by taking
# each of the strings in the list and, if possible, applying each of the Rules
# 1, 2, 3, 4 to that string. The resulting collection of strings is then
# filtered for duplicates and returned.
def generate_more_strings(miu_strings)
# Helper method: applies all of the possible rules to a given string, and
# returns an array of the results.
def apply_all_rules(str)
results = []
results << apply_rule1(str) if can_apply_rule1?(str)
RussellAndrewEdson / miu_system4.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Rule 4 for the MIU System.
# Returns true if we can apply Rule 4 to the given string.
# (Rule 4: If "UU" appears anywhere in our string, we can drop it.)
def can_apply_rule4?(str)
# Returns an array of indices for the given string where Rule 4 can be applied.
def rule4_indices(str)
# We find all of the places where we have 2 or more U's.
matches_for_U = str.to_enum(:scan, /U{2,}/).map { Regexp.last_match }
RussellAndrewEdson / miu_system3.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Rule 3 for the MIU System.
# Returns true if we can apply Rule 3 to the given string.
# (Rule 3: If our string contains an instance of "III", we can replace
# that instance with "U".)
def can_apply_rule3?(str)
# Returns an array of indices for the given string where Rule 3 can be applied.
def rule3_indices(str)
# First, we find all of the places where we have 3 or more I's.
RussellAndrewEdson / miu_system2.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Rule 2 for the MIU System.
# Returns true if we can apply Rule 2 to the given string.
# (Rule 2: If our string looks like Mx, we can change it to Mxx.)
def can_apply_rule2?(str)
# Applies Rule 2: We replace the string Mx with Mxx.
def apply_rule2(str)
str + str[1, str.length]
RussellAndrewEdson / miu_system1.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Rule 1 for the MIU system.
# Returns true if we can apply Rule 1 to the given string.
# (Rule 1: If the string ends with an I, we can add on a U at the end.)
def can_apply_rule1?(str)
# Applies Rule 1: We add a U to the end of the given string.
def apply_rule1(str)
str + "U"
RussellAndrewEdson / miu_system0.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Checking for a MIU string in the MIU system.
# Returns true if the given string only contains the characters M, I, U.
def miu_string?(str)
RussellAndrewEdson /
Created February 13, 2015 12:33
Constructing the last-column backward diagonal constraints for the N-Queens Puzzle.
/* Here we create the constraints for the "backward diagonals" where
* we move along the last column.
* ie. x_i,n + the sum of x_i+m,n-m <= 1 for all i=1,...,n.
double[][] columnBackwardConstraintsMatrix = new double[n][n*n];
for (int row = 0; row < n; row++) {
for (int column = n*(row+1) - 1; column < n*n; column += (n-1)) {
columnBackwardConstraintsMatrix[row][column] = 1;