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Last active June 11, 2019 13:33
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Common CSS resources I share with people getting started πŸ†


  1. Atomic Design
  2. ITCSS: Inverted Triangle CSS
  3. Namespacing
  4. BEM
  5. BEM Cheat Sheet
  6. SMACSS: Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS
  7. OOCSS: Objected-Oriented CSS
  8. RCSS: Reasonable CSS: I like the idea of two words for naming a component, and one word for a smaller element
  9. Accessibility for the Web
  10. CSS Specificity Graph Generator
  11. What’s CSS Specificity?
  12. Specificity CodePen Example
  13. CSS Selectors
  14. The Ultimate Guide to CSS Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements
  15. What's a CSS Preprocessor?
  16. Sass = .sass = .scss = confusing = awesome
  17. Emmet (previously known as Zen Coding)
  18. Mobile-first Design: The "downside" is an "upside"
  19. Mobile-first CSS
  20. Codepen: Create a new pen, go to settings, add in vendor CSS and JS, easily choose a pre-processor, save it as a template :)
  21. CSS Almanac
  22. Thoughtful CSS Architecture
  23. Naming CSS Stuff is Really Hard
  24. Grid Garden: A game for learning CSS grid


I've really gotten into using utility-first CSS, and then falling back to OO-BEM-ITCSS.

Here are two projects to look at to get the idea of it.

  1. Tachyons: A CSS toolkit of utility classes
  2. Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework β€” all in JavaScript
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