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SachaG /
Last active December 16, 2018 05:35
hackternoon tea

Combining the pleasure of sipping on a hot cup of Earl Grey with the joy of hacking on cool new projects, it's the weekly Hackternoon Tea meetup!

We'll get together in a cafe or co-working space each week to hack, hang out, or just help out. So why should you join us? It'll be a great chance to:

  • Set aside some time to learn new technologies.
  • Get free help and mentoring from other participants.
  • Get feedback on your work.
  • Chat with fellow hackers.
  • Or just work on your usual stuff but in a different setting.
const meta = [
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// facebook
{ property: 'og:type', content: 'article' },
{ property: 'og:url', content: url },
{ property: 'og:image', content: image },
{ property: 'og:title', content: title },
"stations" : [
"name" : "Shinjuku Gyoenmae front",
"distance" : 549,
"distanceFormatted" : "0.5 km",
"duration" : "3 mins",
"location" : {
"lng" : 139.71069,
"lat" : 35.688588
SachaG / lines.json
Created April 24, 2018 05:47
tokyo metro lines
{ "id": 11301, "name": { "ja": "JR東海道本線(東京~熱海)", "en": "JR Tokaido Main Line (Tokyo - Atami)" } },
{ "id": 11302, "name": { "ja": "JR山手線", "en": "JR Yamanote Line" } },
{ "id": 11303, "name": { "ja": "JR南武線", "en": "JR Nambu Line" } },
{ "id": 11305, "name": { "ja": "JR武蔵野線", "en": "JR Musashino Line" } },
{ "id": 11306, "name": { "ja": "JR横浜線", "en": "JR Yokohama Line" } },
{ "id": 11308, "name": { "ja": "JR横須賀線", "en": "JR Yokosuka Line" } },
{ "id": 11311, "name": { "ja": "JR中央本線(東京~塩尻)", "en": "JR Chuo Main Line (Tokyo ~ Shiojiri)" } },
{ "id": 11312, "name": { "ja": "JR中央線(快速)", "en": "JR Chuo Line (fast)" } },
{ "id": 11313, "name": { "ja": "JR中央・総武線", "en": "JR Chuo Sobu Line" } },
SachaG / MyComponents.jsx
Last active March 4, 2018 17:43
Quick Apollo Mutations
// define component1, component2, etc. here
// will pass mutation as this.props.myMutation
export default withMutation({
name: 'myMutation',
args: {foo: 'String', bar: 'String'},
// will pass mutation as this.props.myOtherMutation
// this time, we don't have any arguments

Using Variables (devel branch)

Field-specific queries work by adding “extra” query parts to a specialy created formNewExtraQuery HoC when inserting new documents; or to the withDocument HoC when editing an existing document. In either case, the main query will be called with the following extraTerms argument:

const extraTerms = {
  view: `${collectionName}ExtraQueryView` // where collectionName is the collection the form belongs to
# Type for Movies
type Movie {
_id: String
createdAt: Date
user: User
userId: String
name: String
year: String
review: String
Generate the appropriate fragment for the current form, then
wrap the main Form component with the necessary HoCs while passing
them the fragment.
This component is itself wrapped with:
- withCurrentUser
- withApollo (used to access the Apollo client for form pre-population)
SachaG /
Last active September 13, 2017 13:49
Vulcan Forum Example Testing


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