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SalimF / auto-embeds-disabler.php
Created January 2, 2016 09:13 — forked from ocean90/auto-embeds-disabler.php
WordPress Plugin: Auto-embeds Disabler
* Plugin Name: Auto-embeds Disabler
* Version: 0.1
* Description: Disables the auto-embeds function in WordPress 3.5
* Author: Dominik Schilling
* Author URI:
* Plugin URI:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# سكربت تتبيث انتجين اكس مع موديل البث rtmp
# install Nginx with rtmp support
# make script exit if a simple command fails and
# make script print commands being executed
set -e -x
# Build path
export BUILD_PATH=/usr/local
SalimF /
Last active May 6, 2018 06:11
install and Nginx with RTMP on scientific Linux

yum install gcc

yum install pcre-devel

yum install openssl-devel

./configure --add-module=../nginx-rtmp-module-1.1.7/


SalimF / FFMPEG download binaries links full
Created September 22, 2023 20:42
list (as JSON), also they are filtered from best to use to worse to use