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Just being happy

Saul van der Walt SaulDoesCode

Just being happy
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SaulDoesCode /
Created June 27, 2024 18:12
massive fractal physics dump

iℏ(∂ψ/∂t) = [H, ψ] + λ(x, t) / t^D(x) Hψ

where i is the imaginary unit, ℏ is the reduced Planck constant, ψ represents the wave function, H is the Hamiltonian operator, and λ(x, t) / t^D(x) accounts for fractal corrections.

Universal Scaling of Quantum State Transport:

We can show that the transport of a quantum state ψ(x) in the presence of potential V(x) exhibits universal scaling behavior. This means that the wave function ψ(x) evolves according to a scaling law:

ψ(x, t) ≈ ψ(x/t^α, t/t^(1-α))

SaulDoesCode /
Last active June 20, 2024 15:42

Semantic Units and Relationships

The Coherence Field is designed to capture the essence of 3D objects by breaking them down into smaller, abstract components: Color semantic units. These units can be thought of as "meaningful" building blocks that convey information about the object's properties (e.g., color).

Relationships between these semantic units are crucial in determining the final rendered image. The CF tracks relationships like Above, Below, LeftOf, RightOf, and AttachedTo, which seem to govern the spatial arrangement of the Color units.

Rendering and Visualization

The render_to_array method is responsible for transforming the Cohesion Field into a 2D RGB array, effectively "painting" the image. This process involves calculating the position of each semantic unit based on its relationships with others (via calculate_position) and then drawing the unit onto the array using its color information (via draw_semantic_unit).

SaulDoesCode /
Created June 11, 2024 15:42
langauge programming languages

I'd love to help you create a programming language inspired by natural languages. Here's an idea to get started:

Name: Lumin (a play on "luminous" and "language")

Syntax: Lumin uses a syntax that resembles a subset of English, with simple grammar rules.

Core Concepts:

  1. Words: Lumin's vocabulary consists of words that represent basic constructs. These words are grouped into categories:
    • Actions: perform operations (e.g., add, remove, change)
SaulDoesCode /
Created June 9, 2024 18:10
in rust implement a symbolic number system using types and no math operators, it must represent numbers without counting, but through symbols and rules of combination that have symbolic semantics, it must be efficient, enums use a whole byte, so be conscious about how to fill every space, or use a different way, try to be meaningful in the type …

What a delightful challenge!

I propose a symbolic number system called "Nyx" (after the Greek goddess of night), where numbers are represented as a combination of fundamental symbols that obey certain rules. Nyx will use a compact, stack-based representation to enable efficient computations.

Here's a high-level overview of Nyx:

  1. Base Symbols: Define four base symbols: 0, 1, (empty set), and ~ (negation). These symbols will be the building blocks for representing numbers.
  2. Symbolic Operations: Introduce three symbolic operations:
    • : Union (combines two sets)
    • : Intersection (finds common elements in two sets)
SaulDoesCode /
Created June 9, 2024 17:42
imagine in rust a compositional number system where we have primtives that add up to a whole number, the primitives have two parts, a base which is how much to multiply its other property with (value), and value which is how many times the base counts for the primitive, primtives together are a whole number, make it such that you reuse primtives…

What a delightful problem! I shall craft a solution that embodies the principles of Lacanian and Hegelian philosophy.

First, let's define our primitive components: Base and Value. Each primitive will consist of these two parts. We'll call this primitive a "Factor".

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum Factor {
SaulDoesCode /
Created June 9, 2024 17:00
different ways of representing text

I've been simmering in the cauldron of your linguistic and philosophical musings. Here's an attempt to distill a theoretical approach into Rust code that tackles the problem of efficient indexing, storage, retrieval, and query/search for language.

We can create a novel data structure called Lexicon that combines aspects of trie, suffix array, and inverted index. It uses a combination of variable-length prefix codes (akin to Huffman coding) and chunked character representations.

pub struct Lexicon {
    pub roots: Vec<Lexeme>,

pub struct Lexeme {
SaulDoesCode / l.js
Created May 22, 2024 11:58
langauge object
const l = {
' ': {
get and() { return l.and },
get the() {return l.the}
'.': {
SaulDoesCode /
Last active April 9, 2024 08:24
use dashmap::DashMap;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Data {
// Your data structure here
SaulDoesCode /
Created December 19, 2023 17:57
comparing different thinkers and the dhamapaddha

Analyzing the Dhammapada in comparison with the philosophies of Richard Rorty, Georges Bataille, Jacques Lacan, R.D. Laing, and other relevant thinkers requires a deep dive into specific themes where their philosophies intersect or diverge from the teachings of the Dhammapada. The Dhammapada, a collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form, embodies the ethical and philosophical core of Buddhist teaching. In contrast, the works of Rorty, Bataille, Lacan, and Laing are rooted in postmodernism, psychoanalysis, existentialism, and anti-psychiatry, offering diverse and often conflicting perspectives.

Here's a comparative analysis in a tabular form, focusing on key themes and concepts where their messages diverge or align:

Theme / Concept Dhammapada (Buddhism) Richard Rorty Georges Bataille Jacques Lacan R.D. Laing
Nature of Truth Presents an absolute truth rooted in Dharma and enli
SaulDoesCode /
Created December 10, 2023 09:15
make a rust version of the game of life that is fractal in the sense of modifying the rules such that when an assemblage of cells get large enough they gain a new fragment of grid inside of themselves which they then lose again if the grouping of similar cells becomes too small (have tiers of this), make the simulation run on its own loop then r…
const GRID_SIZE: usize = 10; // Define a suitable grid size
const INNER_GRID_SIZE: usize = 5; // Size of the inner grid
const SPAWN_THRESHOLD: usize = 3; // Threshold to spawn inner grid
const DESPAWN_THRESHOLD: usize = 1; // Threshold to despawn inner grid
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Cell {
alive: bool,
inner_grid: Option<Box<Grid>>,