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Scorpil /
Created October 2, 2012 16:59
Using Emacs with Ensime for Scala development

This tutorial is tested on Debian linux. Should work on other platforms with minimal changes. This post really helped:

  • Install jdk and sbt (more on that:
  • Install scala-mode for Emacs:
    apt-get install subversion  # in case you don't have subversion already installed 
    svn export scala-emacs
    mkdir ~/.emacs.d/scala  # creating folder for scala extensions

mv scala-emacs ~/.emacs.d/scala # moving scala-mode to new folder

When you have redefined ModelAdmin and redefined ModelForm for change_view/add_view, this form will be modified to AdminForm. In process, django will automatically create fieldset, if it's not already there, by calling get_fieldset (

def get_fieldsets(self, request, obj=None):
    "Hook for specifying fieldsets for the add form."
    if self.declared_fieldsets:
        return self.declared_fieldsets
    form = self.get_form(request, obj)
    fields = list(form.base_fields) + list(self.get_readonly_fields(request, obj))
 return [(None, {'fields': fields})]
from copy import copy
def go(board, steps):
print "Step %d:" % (steps+1), board
new_board = copy(board)
for i, cell in enumerate(board):
if cell == 'S' and 'E' in board[i+1: i+6+1]:
return steps + 1
if cell == 'R' and 'E' in board[i+1: i+6+1]:
Scorpil / test
Last active March 12, 2018 17:00
Part of our daily routine at Adikteev consist in efficiently
processing time series of interest to us. This process may
involve computing local information within a rolling time
window of length TAU, such as the number of points in the
window, the minimum or maximum, or the rolling sum.
An example is given below, with TAU = 60 and
• Time: number of seconds since epoch
• Value: price in EUROS
• N_O: number of observation of in the curing
1355270609 1.80215
1355270621 1.80185
1355270646 1.80195
1355270702 1.80225
1355270702 1.80215
1355270829 1.80235
1355270854 1.80205
1355270868 1.80225
1355271000 1.80245
1355271023 1.80285
1355270609 1.80215
1355270621 1.80185
1355270646 1.80195
1355270702 1.80225
1355270702 1.80215
1355270829 1.80235
1355270854 1.80205
1355270868 1.80225
1355271000 1.80245
1355271023 1.80285
from Game.Player import Player
from Game.Context import Context
from Game.Bet import Bet
class OffendablePlayer(Player):
simple bot that "takes offense" if number of players that bet is
less that number of players that don't * OFFENSIVENESS factor
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am scorpil on github.
* I am scorpil ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASDGH55YPOga-SF-iWjjLdaE8Y3KDQ7-sKE8bloiQk6OfAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
$ TF_LOG=trace tofu apply
2023-11-05T13:10:26.037+0100 [INFO]  OpenTofu version: 1.6.0 dev
2023-11-05T13:10:26.038+0100 [DEBUG] using v1.32.1
2023-11-05T13:10:26.038+0100 [DEBUG] using v2.18.1
2023-11-05T13:10:26.038+0100 [DEBUG] using v0.1.1
2023-11-05T13:10:26.038+0100 [DEBUG] using v1.14.1
2023-11-05T13:10:26.038+0100 [INFO]  Go runtime version: go1.21.3
2023-11-05T13:10:26.038+0100 [INFO]  CLI args: []string{"tofu", "apply"}
2023-11-05T13:10:26.038+0100 [TRACE] Stdout is a terminal of width 119