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Scott Clark ScottEvil

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ScottEvil /
Last active December 9, 2015 19:11
Pre-Install steps for Sahana Eden for Ubuntu 14.04
# Script to turn a generic Debian Squeeze box into an Eden server
# with Apache & MySQL
# Update system
apt-get update
#apt-get upgrade -y
# Install Admin Tools
apt-get install -y unzip
# Install Git
apt-get install -y git-core
ScottEvil /
Created April 30, 2015 23:44
Post set-up script for Sahana Eden
# Script to configure an Eden server
# - assumes that has been run
echo -e "What domain name should we use? : \c "
echo -e "What host name should we use? : \c "
read hostname
echo -e "What is the current root MySQL password: \c "
read rootpw
ScottEvil /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
Automated install and config for GeoWave on Hortonworks 2.3 Sandbox from mailing list post by aspohn
# Install GeoWave on Hortonworks Sandbox VM using RPMs and Puppet
# Puppet client is already installed, add Puppet standard libs, configure GeoWave repo and install
# Assumptions:
# - You have a working Internet connection
# - Your Accumulo root user account password has been set to hadoop
# - When prompted to set the geowave you will set the password to geowave
sudo apt-get remove scala-library scala
sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i scala-2.11.1.deb
sudo dpkg -i sbt-0.13.8.deb
ScottEvil / GeoMesa_Kafka_VM_Steps
Last active January 16, 2017 01:01
Install Process for GeoServer, GeoMesa and Kafka on Ubuntu 14
#For this Virtual Machine, I used the basic Ubuntu 14.04 server iso with VirtualBox.
#I created the VM in VBox the standard way and then used that iso to install Ubuntu 14.04. The only option I used for the server was SSH server
#Set up the basic software needed for the machine
sudo apt-get update
#add static IP to eth1
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaes
#add the following lines
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
ScottEvil / GeoMesa_Install_Notes
Created July 20, 2015 12:46
Notes from installing GeoMesa on GeoServer and Hortonworks Sandbox
Installing GeoMesa on GeoServer
- Downloaded geoserver 2.5.2 war wget
- and the corresponding WPS plugin wget
- Deployed war file to Tomcat_HOME/webapps folder and then copied WPS plugin jars over to WEB-INF/lib and checked to ensure permissions were good
- Download Accumulo 1.5.3 :: wget
- Download Scala 2.10 :: wget
- Download Kafka 2.10- (Kafka 0.8 install that corresponds to scala 2.10)
- Download Hadoop wget
Unzip each of the downloads
ScottEvil / MrGeo_Notes.txt
Last active December 18, 2015 09:26
Install and setup steps for MrGeo on a HortonWorks Sandbox with GeoWave
#Set up the build env
#Add the osgeo repo to maven according to
#get the geotiff-jai.jar
#install the jar to the local maven repository
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=geotiff-jai.jar -DgroupId=geotiff -DartifactId=geotiff-jai -Dversion=0.0 -Dpackaging=jar -DlocalRepositoryPath=/root/.m2/repository/
#Download and install GDAL
ScottEvil / GeoWave Commands
Created September 23, 2015 17:26
Different command line examples for GeoWave
# To copy the geowave accumulo jar to the proper location in hdfs
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal geowave-deploy-0.8.9-SNAPSHOT-accumulo-singlejar.jar hdfs://<FQDN>/accumulo/classpath/geowave/0.8.9-hdp2/
# To configure Accumulo to grab the geowave jar from it's location in hdfs (from the Accumulo command line)
config -s general.vfs.context.classpath.geowave=hdfs://<FQDN>:8020/accumulo/classpath/geowave/0.8.9-hdp2/[^.].*.jar
##geowave -localingest -b ./ingest/ne/ -i accumulo -n geowave.50m_admin_0_countries -f geotools-vector -u geowave -p hadoop -z <FQDN>:2181
##java -cp geowave-tools.jar -localingest -b /usr/local/geowave/ingest/ne/ -i accumulo -n geowave.50m_admin_0_countries -f geotools-vector -u geowave -p hadoop -z <FQDN>:2181