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# check for masternode down v1
# By Scriptiee
export HOME=/home/$user # replace $user with the user that runs the darkcoind
if $(/path/to/dashd getbalance 0 2>&1 | grep -q error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
IMPORTANT: To be able to change the configuration file properly,
you must be familiar with XML and XML Schema.
For information, refer to the W3Schools tutorials at and
This configuration file format is described by the XML schema PRODUCT_ROOT_D/admin/plib/Health/Config/custom-health-config.xsd. Refer to the XML Schema for the information on the elements, their relationship, attributes, data types of the elements and their attributes, and fixed values for the elements and attributes. The following text explains elements and attributes the meaning of which might be not clear.