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Semant1ka /
Last active May 8, 2024 06:39
How to set up WiFi hotspot and troubleshoot WiFi problems on Debian

There are a few decent tutorials on how to setup hotspot on Linux, which I will share below, but this tutorial will focus on adversities that you without doubt will face while setting up your AP.

For AP setup we will need:

  • Hostapd utility
  • Some dhcp utility
  • A bit of patience (that was for my case)

How do I know that my WiFi adapter supports AP mode?

In terminal type sudo iw list this command will show info about your wifi interfaces. Look for Supported interface entry, if AP is in it, that means your Wifi devices support hotspot mode.

Semant1ka /
Last active October 4, 2017 16:00
How it feels like switching between various programming languages


Me: I feel I need to use indexes..

Python: Sorry, I can't increment values.

Me: Oh, well..




Recently, I have set up an interaction between TFS and Jenkins, fortunately, there are some decent articles available on this topic:

However, I run into some uneven issues that I solved only after playing around with both TFS and Jenkins.

My setup was TFS 2015 and latest Jenkins TFS Plugin. Jenkins build was a pipeline which accepts parameters and generates unittests results.

Semant1ka /
Last active January 10, 2018 10:41

Prepare soft:

  1. Change windows to English local
  2. Download all soft(
  3. Install Esys
  4. Install E-sys launcher (on this step key for coding will be generated)
  5. Unpack psdzdata to C:\data\psdzdata
  6. Start e-sys from launcher


  • Click to Coding window on the left
Semant1ka /
Last active January 11, 2021 11:12
How to deploy embedded Linux on SD card

In order to boot from sdcard card you will need three ingredients: u-boot, linux image with dtb for your device, and linux file system. This article will not cover how to obtain parts mentioned above, I just focus on a brief howto about deploying linux on SD card.

Deploy u-boot

Clean card

If you just want to update existing u-boot you should skip this step.  If you are preparing a card which has some data and partitioning on it you’d better save the image of the card and then clean this card before writing u-boot with commands below.

# this command can take time if you sd card is large
sudo dd if=/dev/ of=/sd_card_backup.img 
Semant1ka /
Last active December 19, 2017 08:56
Run Debian Stretch on arm (NXP Freescale IMX6qpsabreai board).

Recently, I was looking for an operating system to install on IMX6qpsabreai board and first tried to build all components of the system with Yосto framework.

While the framework is well-documented and easy to use the file system that I have obtained with it had a primary drawback: it was difficult to customize the set of packages on the installed system and required to setup local http server for package management. Also, to effectively build a new package for custom Yocto image one need to get familiar with Bitbake build system syntax which migth take some time to master.

So I decided to use Debian file system which allowed me to use Debian servers for update along with u-boot and kernel image build with Yocto and fsl-community-bsp

Semant1ka /
Last active April 4, 2018 20:37
Filtering API research

GET vs POST endpoint


If we are going to allow users to save requests we should create a resouce Search, if not we will allow users to bookmark query.

We can use Mongo query language in this manner

Actual example of API with uses Mongo query syntax

? I don't know how we will validate those queries ?

Semant1ka /
Last active April 22, 2019 00:34
Stack Performance Cost Usage Maintenance Scalability
Kibana dashboard
Depends on amount or RAM for cluster, if full index is RAM will have close to zero latency, also supports storing similar information in one cluster to enhance speed Elastic Only - $265.63/month
Elastic + Kibana by ElasticCloud on Google Cloud -$1464.16/month
Free trial available
Needs a special query language. Has beta SQL intefrace. Will be realized this year, beta is available now for usage. Easy Scalable - each node store some indexes, scaled by adding nodes.
BI connector
Free for Atlas users. Build to support SQL. Easy Not That Scalable, still needs SQL like schema, can’t do joins between collections."Scalability - if your queries will bring back millions of rows the BI Connector (an ODBC driver) will fall over. You'll need to do something on the software or hardware side to chunk the queries"
MongoDbETLAWS redshiftVisualizatio