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drewjoh / custom.js
Created January 27, 2012 13:55
Dynamic (AJAX) loaded Bootstrap Modal (Bootstrap 2.1)
$(document).ready(function() {
// Support for AJAX loaded modal window.
// Focuses on first input textbox after it loads the window.
$('[data-toggle="modal"]').click(function(e) {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
if (url.indexOf('#') == 0) {
} else {

Recently, we've been working on extracting Ember conventions from applications we're working on into the framework. Our goal is to make it clearer how the parts of an Ember application work together, and how to organize and bootstrap your objects.


Routing is an important part of web applications. It allows your users to share the URL they see in their browser, and have the same things appear when their friends click on the link.

The Ember.js ecosystem has several great solutions for routing. But, since it is such an important part of most web applications, we've decided to build it right into the framework.

If you have already modeled your application state using Ember.StateManager, there are a few changes you'll need to make to enable routing. Once you've made those changes, you'll notice the browser's address bar spring to life as you start using your app—just by moving between states, Ember.js will update the URL automatically.

mars / register_chrome_with_window_size.rb
Created October 13, 2013 01:58
Set window size for Capybara/Selenium/chromedriver
Capybara.register_driver :chrome do |app|,
browser: :chrome,
desired_capabilities: {
"chromeOptions" => {
"args" => %w{ window-size=1024,768 }
sabril / ecdh.rb
Last active February 5, 2018 06:22
require 'openssl'
require 'base64'
require "digest"
include OpenSSL
def aes256_encrypt(key, data)
key = Digest::SHA256.digest(key) if(key.kind_of?(String) && 32 != key.bytesize)
aes ='AES-256-CBC')
dzimine /
Last active March 4, 2024 21:31
A script to make Hubot run a command. Done both in JS and coffee script. Never put it in production :)
# Description:
# Runs a command on hubot
# TOTAL VIOLATION of any and all security!
# Commands:
# hubot cmd <command> - runs a command on hubot host
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /CMD (.*)$/i, (msg) ->
# console.log(msg)
hopsoft / db.rake
Last active July 5, 2024 14:52
Rails rake tasks for dump & restore of PostgreSQL databases
# lib/tasks/db.rake
namespace :db do
desc "Dumps the database to db/APP_NAME.dump"
task :dump => :environment do
cmd = nil
with_config do |app, host, db, user|
cmd = "pg_dump --host #{host} --username #{user} --verbose --clean --no-owner --no-acl --format=c #{db} > #{Rails.root}/db/#{app}.dump"
puts cmd
bsummer4 / gist:f02d0c2832dc90c96c1c
Last active July 11, 2020 14:07
Simple Example using ReactJS to manage Bootstrap Modals.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
jbardin / proxy_copy.go
Last active June 28, 2023 22:12
Go TCP Proxy pattern
package proxy
import (
func Proxy(srvConn, cliConn *net.TCPConn) {
// channels to wait on the close event for each connection
derwiki /
Last active September 27, 2023 17:50
Ruby module that you can use in a `before_action` on sensitive controllers for which you'd like a usage audit trail

Adding an audit log to your Rails app

If you have any sort of administrative interface on your web site, you can easily imagine an intruder gaining access and mucking about. How do you know the extent of the damage? Adding an audit log to your app is one quick solution. An audit log should record a few things:

  • controller entry points with parameter values
  • permanent information about the user, like user_id
  • transient information about the user, like IP and user_agent

Using the Rails framework, this is as simple as adding a before_action to your admin controllers. Here’s a basic version that I’m using in production.

SimonSun1988 / gist:2ef7db45e46b889783647d941ec15e4d
Created April 12, 2016 03:03
解決 Ubuntu "can’t set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct" 的錯誤
## 安裝語系檔
`$ sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"`
## 重新設定語系檔
`$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales`
## 設定檔