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Seppo Takalo SeppoTakalo

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SeppoTakalo / Debugging Mbed OS in Mac OS
Last active October 31, 2023 14:53
Debugging Mbed OS in Mac OS X

Debugging Mbed OS in Mac OS X (and Linux)


For succesfully building Mbed OS applications in Mac OS X, following tools are required


/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
SeppoTakalo / Running Greentea tests
Last active September 25, 2018 10:05
Running Greentea tests manually

Running Greentea testcase manually

As you all know, Greentea test binaries contain whole testcase and rarely needs anything from external systems.

All external tools and commands like mbed test, htrun and mbedgt are just used to start this test binary and to parse result from serial port.

However, most of the testcases do not require any communication from host, and you are therefore capable of running those tests manually.

To do so:

SeppoTakalo / Tune Mac OS X
Last active November 20, 2023 21:38
Tune Mac OS X terminal

This page lists my personal preferences to set up proper command line for Mac OS X.

Change default shell to ZSH

Current default for Mac OS X Catalina, offers much better customizations that Bash.

chsh -s /bin/zsh

Install Homebrew

Install ccache for Arm GCC

  1. Download GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain
  2. Unpack: tar xf arm-none-eabi-gcc-<version>.tar.bz2
  3. Edit your .bashrc or .bash_profile or similar:
    1. Add to PATH as a LAST member: export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major/bin"
    2. Create ~/bin and add to PATH as a first member: PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
  4. Install ccache: sudo apt install ccache or brew install ccache
  5. Add links to $HOME/bin:
SeppoTakalo /
Last active January 28, 2020 10:27
Debugging Mbed OS application in Eclipse

How to debug Mbed OS in Eclipse

This document explains how to use PyOCD and Gnu Arm GDB for debugging your Mbed OS application.

As a prerequisite, this document assumes that PyOCD and Arm GCC are already installed.

Prepare your toolchains

If you are starting from scratch, you can directly download GNU MCU Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers